Information about the disciplines


Information about the disciplines taught at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan


Names of majors

Names of disciplines


Religious studies

Primitive religions and mythology

The basics of building immunity against threats in the guise of religion

Introduction to Religious Studies

Religious studies of the world

History of world religions

Religious traditions and rituals

Methodology of teaching religious studies

Comparative study of religious sources

Comparative religious studies

Anthropology of religions

Islamic denominations in Uzbekistan


Islamic studies

Introduction to Islamic Studies

Directions and sects in Islam

History and theory of Aqidah science

Analysis of texts related to the doctrine of Moturidia

Quranic studies

Hadith studies

Sources of Hanafi teachings

Tafsir texts

Fiqh (Islamic Law)



History (Islamic history and source studies)

History of Uzbekistan

The latest history of Uzbekistan

Introduction to Source Studies

World history

Auxiliary historical sciences

Islamic historical jurisprudence

Historical events in hadiths

Islamic source studies

History of architectural monuments and epigraphy

History of Islam

Analysis of Islamic historical sources


International relations

Basics of Diplomacy

Political science

Legal foundations of Uzbekistan's foreign policy

World politics


History of international relations

International law

Theory of international relations

International organizations

Analysis in international relations

Diplomatic service, protocol and etiquette


Tourism (pilgrimage tourism)

Tourism: theory and practice

Tourism management

Marketing in tourism

Economics of tourism

International tourism


Islamic Economics and Finance

Fundamentals of Islamic Economics

Banking in an Islamic Economics

Fiqh rules in Islamic economics

Trade and Entrepreneurship in Islamic Economics

Islamic capital and financial market


Information security management

Introduction to Information Security Management


Data structure and algorithms

Java programming language

Programming in Python

Infographic data visualization

Social networks and blogs on the Internet


Web programming

Fundamentals of Cyber Security

Operating systems and their security


Psychology (sociopsychology of religion)

Introduction to the specialty

General psychology

General pedagogy

Developmental psychology and differential psychology


Experimental psychology and practicum

Social psychology


Family Psychology

Social psychological training

Psychology of religion

Counseling psychology and psychocorrection

Pedagogical psychology and methodology of teaching psychology

Clinical psychology

Sociology of religion


Philological language teaching: Arabic language

Reading and writing practice

Practice of oral speech

Western language and literature

Literature of the country whose language is being studied I (ancient period)

Literature of the country whose language is being studied II (the Middle Ages)

Literature of the country whose language is being studied III (new period)


World economy and international economic relations (by region and types of activity)

Fundamentals of Islamic Economics

Banking in an Islamic Economics

Fiqh rules in Islamic Economics

Trade and Entrepreneurship in Islamic Economics

Islamic capital and financial market


Jurisprudence (Islamic Law)

Human rights

The new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Theory of state and law

History of state and law

International and national legal foundations of freedom of conscience

Civil rights I

Civil rights II

Islamic Law I

Civil procedural law

Administrative law

Comparative jurisprudence


Textual studies and literary source studies (on Eastern languages)

Introduction to the specialty

Main oriental language

The language of Turkic written monuments

Phonetics of the main oriental language

Textual studies and source studies

Lexicology of the main oriental language

Classical literature of the target language

History of Uzbek literature

Morphology of the main oriental language

Syntax of the main oriental language

Oriental epigraphy and paleography

Fundamentals of scientific research

Press language (oriental language)

Oriental Textology

Professional speech culture

Describing and studying oriental manuscripts

Theory and practice of translation




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