The information resource center
Information about the information resource center of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
In 1999, Tashkent Islamic University was founded on the initiative of our first President, Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov, and the Information Resource Center (IRC) of the university started its activity in the same year.
Taking into account the fact that the contingent of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan has increased year by year, a 271-seat study hall has been established in the Information and Resource Center. In order to create comfortable conditions for students, the department of fiction literature was organized as a 56-seat "Book cafe".
There are 7,412 titles and 74,200 copies of educational literature in the IRC collection. Of this, scientific literature in 1310 titles in 12613 copies, textbooks in 1392 titles in 19879 copies, study guides in 1232 titles in 30295 copies, fiction in 3149 titles in 8122 copies, other literature in 273 titles in 2723 copies, and braille literature in 82 titles, 838 copies and 11808 there are full-text electronic resources (4,200 of them are stored in the special fund of the Imam Moturudi Scientific Center). In 2023, a total of 90 titles and 775 copies of literature were purchased for the IRC fund. Of these, 73 titles of fiction literature in 245 copies, 17 titles of scientific literature in 530 copies were purchased. In 2023, 32 copies of newspapers in 14 titles, 28 copies of magazines in 24 titles were subscribed, of which 7 magazines are published in the Russian Federation.
In 2018, the US Embassy received 491 titles and 656 copies of literature in various fields (Economy, history, technology) at the information resource center.
The unified electronic library system of the Information and Resource Center of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan has been launched. In this system, all electronic resources in the Information Resource Center are placed in the system based on sequence.
The website book.iiau.uz has been launched in the Information Resource Center since April 2021, 7,608 electronic and 1,674 audio books have been posted so far. The need for existing literature is studied, and the literature that is in high demand is being scanned.
Membership to the electronic library is implemented systematically through the Book.iiau.uz programm. Today, 2618 students have become electronic members. Through this program, a video clip is posted on the Telegram channel, which helps students to become a member of the IRC independently from a distance.
In addition, based on the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 225 of July 13, 2022, the decision was made regarding the transfer of the book fund to a fully electronic form and placing it on the unique "Electronic Library" platform under the ministry. In accordance with the instructions, the book fund of the information-resource center is transferred to a fully electronic form and placed on the "Electronic Library" platform.
To date, the Information Resource Center has provided 74,000 copies of literature with a special bar code. The works of providing the newly accepted literature to the archive fund with a bar code are being carried out.
Also, 52 titles of audio textbooks, 56 titles of 738 braille scientific literature and braille computers were installed NVDIA (for visually impaired students) program for students with disabilities in 2 student residences, 2 classrooms .
Currently, there are 26 computers in the IRC, 21 of which are in the IRC classroom, and 5 in the student accommodation. In addition, IRC has 2 printer devices, 1 scanner, and 2 copiers. There are 1 Smart, 1 regular TV, 2 vertical, 2 horizontal infokiosks multimedia tools for book presentations. Based on the needs of students, QR code boards of important textbooks and study guides were created and posted in crowded places.
Computers are fully equipped with the Internet through a wireless network. Internet speed is 11 Mbps (according to the latest information received, the information was obtained from the fast.com site). 11.19 Mbps download, 3.21 Mbps upload (data from speed.test.net).
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