«International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan» publishing association

The Tashkent Islamic University Press was established in 2000 and was incorporated into the Tashkent Islamic University Publishing and Printing Association in 2003. In 2006, a printing house was established as part of the association to expand its printing capabilities.
In 2018, the Tashkent Islamic University Publishing and Printing Association was reorganized and became part of the «Publishing and Printing Association of the Uzbekistan International Islamic Academy.» Currently, the association produces and prints various scientific, educational, textbooks, religious, and literary works.  
Academy publishes a wide range of scientific, philosophical, and historical works related to Islamic studies, including collections of academic papers, Quranic and hadith studies, Islamic jurisprudence, and theology. It also publish translated works in various languages.

Some notable works published by the association include «Translation and Tafsir of the Noble Quranic Meanings» by A. Mansurov in Arabic and Uzbek, «Islamic intellectuals - in the form of an Uzbegim» by A. Juzjoni, «Marginani and his followers» by A. Juzjoni, «Islamic jurisprudence. The works of the Hanafi school of Central Asian jurists» by A. Juzjoniy, and «Muqaddamat ul-Adab» (analysis of source studies) and the text of «Muqaddamat ul-Adab» (by Mahmud Zamaxshariy) by Z. Islomov.

In addition, Abdusalam al-Mubarakfuri’s work «Imam Bukhari» was published based on the translation of Professor U. Uvatov.
«International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan» publishing-printing association is the largest and leading publishing house in terms of material and technical base, production resources among all higher education institutions publishing houses in our republic.

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