Application Process
Foreign citizens can apply for the programs of IIAU through the official website – www.apply.iiau.uz.
The foreign citizens applied electronically are allowed to provide the original copy of required documents when they come to have the interview.
Required Documents:
- Application
- Bachelor’s Degree: Certificate/Diploma of Secondary Education
- Master’s Degree: Bachelor‘s degree or equivalent
- Doctoral Degree (PhD, DSc): Master‘s Degree and abstract and officially certified list of publications (for applicants who want to enroll to the Doctoral programs
- All degrees (certificates of completion/diplomas with transcripts/mark sheets) obtained outside the Republic of Uzbekistan will be notarized translation into Russian or Uzbek;
- Medical certificate, indicating the absence of medical contraindications for study in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- A current passport or a residence permit in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Six photos of 3.5x4.5 sm.
For further information, contact International Students Office:
+99871 244 95 93
E-mail: intstudents@iiau.uz

Editors’ Picks
- The leadership of the IIAU
- Departments
- Management
- About the Academy
- History of the Academy
- Contact
- Structure
- Councils
- Faculties
- Superior organization
- Vacancies
- Sectors
- Centres
- Educational institutions
- Foreign honorary doctors and professors
- The camp of the Academy
- Youth Union initial organisation at the Academy
- Club of the Alumni
- History of the area of the Academy
- Information resource centre
- Our Alumni
- Admissions schedule
- In the spiritual and educational direction, the following departments are actively operating within the Academy

IIAU.UZ @2025
Oʻzbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi. Ommaviy axborot vositalari vakillari va veb-sayt foydalanuvchilari diqqatiga!
Siz iiau.uz veb-saytidagi maʼlumotlardan bemalol foydalanishingiz mumkin. Bundan mamnun boʻlamiz. Faqat yagona shartimiz shuki, xabar yoki maqolani oʻz veb-sahifangizda yoritishda “Oʻzbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi rasmiy sayti xabar berishicha” deb, bunda “rasmiy sayti” degan soʻz ustiga saytimiz havolasini qoʻyib, iiau.uz sahifasiga yoʻnaltirilgan boʻlishi shart.
Unutmang, maʼlumot olinganda muallif va manzil koʻrsatmaslik mualliflik huquqining buzilishi kabi javobgarlikka sabab boʻladi.
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