List of master's specialties of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

70220301 History (Islamic Civilization)

70220101 Comparative Religious studies

70310901 Psychology (psychology of religion)

70411101 Islamic Economics and Finance

70230301 Textual studies and literary source studies (Arabic language)

71010401 Tourism (organization and management of pilgrimage tourism)

70220207 Islamic studies

70230101 Linguistics (Arabic language)

70411902 External economic activity (in sectors and areas of activity)

70420124 Islamic Law

60230300 Textual studies and literary source studies (on Oriental languages)

60220100 Religious studies

60610400 Information security management

60411900 World economy and international economic relations (by region and types of activity)

61010400 Tourism (pilgrimage tourism)

60220200 Islamic studies

60220100 Religious studies

60220200 History (Islamic history and source studies)

60310900 Psychology (sociopsychology of religion)

60411100 Islamic Economics and Finance

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