Ircica- research centre for islamic history, art and culture




On April 19, 2019, during the visit of the delegation of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Turkey, a Memorandum was signed with the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (ICT).

Based on the memorandum, the "IRCICA Chair for Islamic History and Source Studies - IRCICA" was established on the basis of the department of "Islamic History and Source Studies" under the Islamic Studies Faculty of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.




The opening of this department serves to preserve and pass on our rich historical, scientific, material and spiritual heritage to the next generation, to study the great scientific and religious heritage of thinkers of Central Asia and the Middle East who made an incomparable contribution to the development of Islamic history and culture, and to research their scientific works. The study of this scientific and spiritual heritage and their widespread promotion among students, the systematic organization of scientific research, attracting young talented students to these topics, will be achieved. Also, it allows to comprehensively study and popularize the scientific heritage of Eastern scientists with the ideas of tolerance, peace and enlightenment. 


The main goal of the establishment of the "Islamic history and source studies IRCICA" department is the educational process in the field of Islamic history, source studies and culture, the study of research works, projects and programs in the field of science, a new systematic study of Islamic history, source studies, art and culture. development of programs and projects and creation of new generation educational and scientific literature.

Attracting potential and experienced professors and experts of IRCICA to the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, sending professors and researchers of the Academy to IRCICA for short and long-term professional development, internships, organizing conferences, symposiums, seminars and trainings of specialists and scientists in the field to ensure participation, to carry out scientific and research works in cooperation.

Main tasks of the department:

scientific and analytical approach to processes and analysis of existing sources based on scientific research and publication of collected materials,

- training of specialists in the field of knowledge "Islamic history and source studies";

- providing in-depth education to students on special educational courses "Islamic history", "Islamic source studies" and "Islamic culture and art" by professors-teachers of the department;

- conducting scientific research on the topic "Culture, religious traditions and customs of the peoples of Central Asia";

- to carry out scientific research on Islamic history, culture and source studies, to carry out scientific-practical projects, to defend Ph.D. and D.Sc. dissertations.

Main areas of activity of the department:

- Studying foreign programs related to researching and teaching Islamic history, culture and source studies, preparing new programs, writing and publishing textbooks and training manuals;

- Determining the main research direction of the department based on IRCICA's experience in researching Islamic history, culture and source studies;

- preparing and publishing new generation scientific, educational and methodical literature in cooperation with professors and teachers of IRCICA and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan;

- Participation in the selection of fundamental, practical, innovative projects announced by the Ministry of Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- participation in international research projects, grants, competitions and international conferences organized within the framework of IRCICA;

announcement of the results of scientific-research works related to the main scientific direction of the department at scientific conferences and scientific collections based on the plan;

- supervision of students' qualification practice, course projects (works), graduation qualification works, master's dissertations, as well as scientific research works;

- to establish the effective use of modern technical tools, individual teaching and independent learning methods in training sessions, to develop the elements of distance learning with modern teaching methods and tools.

Research activities of the department:

- Implementation of scientific and practical projects on relevant topics in the activity of the "Islamic history and source studies-IRCICA" department;

- Participation in projects and scientific research in the fields of source studies, cultural studies, art studies, ethnography, numismatics, toponymy and calligraphy on the history, source studies and culture of Islam;

- Working in scientific research within the framework of projects aimed at popularizing the rare works of scholars of our country preserved in Uzbekistan and Turkey.


Cooperation relations have been established on the basis of the contract with the following organizations that correspond to the characteristics of the department:

Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari, State Museum of the History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Museum of the History of the Timurid Era, State Museum of Repression Victims, Imam Bukhari international scientific research center; Imam Termizi international research center; National Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.


14 professors work in this department. In particular, 4 doctors of science, 5 PhD, 3 Full professors, 3 Associate Professors, 3 senior lecturers are teaching undergraduate and graduate students.

In addition, there are 8 PhD students and 7 independent researchers attached to the department. 9 of the professors and lecturers in the full-time mode have scientific titles, and the capacity of the department is 92%.

The number of organizations that have established innovative cooperation relations of the department is 5 (FA institutes and museums), in cooperation with them, about 40 topics of graduate work were developed and these topics were given to students as a final year works.

Currently, one of the members of the department, J. Abduqadirov is conducting research as a PhD, T. Khatamov as an independent researcher in DSc.

4 of the members of the department (N. Muhamedov, A. Hasanov, S. Agzamkhodjaev and A. Ganiyev) are members of the council and seminars, editorial boards of scientific journals.

In accordance with the order No. 78-f of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2021 and the order No. 122 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated March 6, 2021, the letter of the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers No. 02-03/1530 dated March 11, 2021, the international scientific and practical online conference "Islamic civilization in Central Asia: past and present" was organized on October 14, 2021 at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the International Center for the Study of Islamic History, Art and Culture - IRCICA, and the scientific collection was prepared for publication.

This collection includes the materials of the international scientific and practical online conference. The collection includes theses written on the basis of the scientific research of professors and teachers, Islamic scholars, religious scholars, orientalists, source scholars, historians, representatives of art and culture, as well as young researchers, doctoral students, masters and bachelors working in higher and secondary special educational institutions abroad and in our country.


12 talented students (Islamic studies (Islamic history and source studies) 3rd and 4th year students D.Mirzarakhimova, O.Temirov, F.Norboyev, J.Hasanov, B.Tohirova, M.Sobirova, M.Matkarimova, M.Satvaldiyeva, M.Hamrayev, U.Habibova, J.Azimkulov, Master of History (Islamic Civilization) 1st stage and F.Ibragimov, Master of Comparative Religion 1st stage) have published articles in scientific journals and collections.

The number of organizations with which the department has established innovative cooperation relations is 5 (FA institutes and museums), in cooperation with them 3 master's dissertations and 12 graduate qualification work topics were developed and these topics were given to students.

3 of the members of the department (A. Hasanov, S. Agzamkhodjayev and N. Muhamedov) are members of the academic degree awarding council and the editorial boards of seminars and scientific journals.

 3 of the members of the department (A. Hasanov, S. Agzamkhodjayev and N. Muhamedov) are DSc. As a member of the Scientific Council No. 35/30.12.2019.Isl/Tar/F.57.01, 24.00.01 - participated in the discussion and defense of 10 dissertations submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of Islamic history and source studies.

 Participated as a member of the commission for the program "Islamic history and source studies" in the entrance examination of applicants for PhD and basic doctoral studies (November, 2021; February, 2022).

Full name: Gayrat Rasulov Pardaevich

Position: Head of the Department 

Scientific degree: 

Foreign languages: Russian and Arabic 


Full name: Mukhamedov Nematullo Asatullaevich


Scientific degree: professor

Foreign languages: Russian and Arabic 


Research interest areas: Theology, Islamic history and source studies, the history of world religions as well as scientific and spiritual heritage of scholars of the Shash (Tashkent) oasis.

Main research publications: About 100 research publications, 4 monographs, 1 chrestomathy, 5 books were published



Full name: Khatamov Tokhir Abdumutalovich

Scientific degree: PhD in history 

Position: Associate professor

Foreign languages:



Research interest areas: History of Uzbekistan, culture of the peoples of Central Asia, religious traditions and customs, history of education, Jadid enlightenment, scientific heritage of oriental thinkers, Islam in Uzbekistan during the Russian Empire and the Soviet era. 

More than 40 publications in local and international journals, one book and 2 teaching books have been published.

E-mail: t.xatamov@mail.ru

Full name: Khasanov Akhadjon Akhmedovich

Scientific degree: DSc. in history 

Position: professor

Foreign languages: Russian and Arabic 

Research interest areas: 07.00.03-World history

Main research publications: History of ancient Arabia and problems of its study. Published more than 100 research papers, 4 monographs, 1 textbook, 5 methodical manuals.

E-mail: axadjonxasanov@mail.ru

Full name: Akhmadjonova Gulnoza Rustamjon's qizi

Position: Teacher-Assistant

Scientific research areas: History, history of Islam and source studies, study of Islamic history in the works of Turkestan enlighteners.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Persian, Dari and English

Main scientific works: about 10 scientific works have been published.

Email address: 


Full name: Ganiyev Avazbek Oybekovich

Scientific degree: DSc in Islamic Studies 

Position: Associate professor

Foreign languages: English, Russian and Arabic 

Research interest areas: Islamic studies, History of Islamic Civilization, Zakat, Waqf, Education system of Muslim countries, Colonial zakat system of Muslim states. 

More than 20 publications and 2 monographs, 3 teaching manuals have been published.

E-mail: avazganiyev@gmail.com,

Full name:  Nasrullaev Nematullo Hikmatullaevich

Scientific degree: PhD in history 

Position: Associate Professor

Foreign languages: English, Russian, Turkish and Arabic

Research interest areas: General history, Islamic history, textual and source studies, codicology, documentation, and the study of the scientific environment of Nasaf.

Main research publications: Published about 60 research papers, 6 risalah books, 1 textbook, 1 textbook manual, 7 methodical manuals.

E-mail: n.nasrullaev@iiau.uz

Full name: Tokhtiev Shukhrat Rustamovich

Scientific degree: PhD in history 

Position: Seniorlecturer

Foreign languages: Russian and Persian 

Research interest areas: Theology, Islamic studies, Islamic history and source studies, history of world religions and history of Shia communities.

More than 30 publications, 2 textbooks, 1 monograph and 1 methodic book have been published.

E-mail: sh.toxtiev@iiau.uz

Full name: Zinatullaev Ziyodilla Izzatilla ugli 

Position: Seniorlecturer, PhD in History

Foreign languages: Russian and English 

Research interest areas: Conducts research on history, Islamic history and source studies, the spread of Islam in Central Asia, and changes in the system of governance.

Main scientific works: about 40 scientific works, 1 booklet, 2 textbooks have been published. 

E-mail: ziynatullayev90@mail.ru

Full name: Abdukadirov, Jasurbek Jonyigit ogli

Position: Teacher-Assistant

Scientific research areas: History, Islamic history and source studies, Timurid era shrines and pilgrimage system, conducts research on the topic of reference in sources.

Knowledge of foreign languages: 

English (IELTS) and Arabic

Main scientific works: about 15 scientific works, 1 pamphlet were published.




Full name: Agzamkhodjaev Saidakbar Saidovich

Position: Professor

Scientific degree: DSc. in History

Foreign languages: Russian, Arabic and English


Research interest areas: Socio-political, cultural processes and the Jadid movement in Central Asia in the early twentieth century, in particular, this includes the history of Turkestan Autonomy.

Main research works: He is the author of 5 monographs, 15 educational programs and teaching manuals, more than 100 scientific and popular articles, more than 20 foreign scientific publications on his research in history and Islamic studies.

E-mail: saidakbar1953@gmail.com

Full name: Gaybullaev Saidahmadkhan Samatkhanovich

Position: lecturer, Ph.D in history

Scientific research directions: Islamic studies,

 Islamic history and source studies, researching the activities and scientific

 heritage of Pazdavi (Kashkadarya, Kasbi) and Kosani (Namangan, Kosonsoy) scholars,

 studying jurisprudence works of Movarounnahr scholars.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Arabic, English and Persian

Main scientific works: published about 30 scientific works, 1 pamphlet.

Email address: gaybullayev1989@mail.ru

Full name: Lutfillaev Hamidillo Murodillaevich

Position: Associate professor, PhD in history

Research interest areas: general history, Islamic history,

 textual studies and source studies, codicology, research of the scientific environment of the Timurid period.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Persian and Russian.

Main scientific works: more than 60 scientific publications, 4 books, 3 brochures, 1 training manual have been published.

E-mail: address: hamidullo@mail.ru

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