Department of international relations


The department was formed in August 2021 as a result of the merger of two departments, “International Relations” and “Social Sciences and Humanities” on the basis of the Faculty of “Islamic Economics and International Relations”.

Undergraduate and graduate specialists in the areas of “International Relations”, “Jurisprudence (Islamic Law)” and “International Journalism” and teaches “Philosophy” and “Legal Foundations of Freedom of Conscience” for all academic fields.

The goals and objectives as a specialized department are as follows:

Training of professionals,

- deeply mastered the fundamentals of special sciences, their objects and subjects, as well as related scientific concepts;

- thoroughly acquired logically substantiated knowledge about the main categories of the scientific direction of the specialty and current problems of modern world politics;

- who understands the role and features of international relations, Islamic law and international journalism in the field of social cooperation;

- mastered the basic theoretical approaches of the specialty and has a good knowledge of the problematic blocks of modern international relations;

- has special knowledge of methods of scientific analysis of international processes, has mastered the methods and mechanisms of finding solutions to related problems and making decisions;

- has the ability to prepare written analytical reports and other official documents in the specialty;

- training of industry specialists fluent in at least one Eastern and Western languages, in addition to their native and Russian languages.




 The department is headed by Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Farkhod Erkinovich Karimov. About 100 scientific publications on international relations, educational management, problems of the Middle East and the Arab world, published in Uzbekistan and abroad, including the USA, Germany, Poland, Korea, Egypt, Russia, India, Kazakhstan and other countries, author of brochures and articles. Among them are such monographs as ethnopolitical problems and problems of regional security in the Middle East (Tashkent, Sharq Publishing House, 2016), the problem of ethnic Kurds in the Middle East (Tashkent, 2020), and the textbook “Security Issues and Conflicts.” in the Muslim world" and a number of educational and methodological resources. Reference books are available.

F.Karimov speaks German, Russian and English. Under his leadership, about ten masters were trained. Today he is the scientific supervisor of a number of researchers.


Link to scientific articles:


           Email address: f.karimov@iiau.uz


The main task of the department staff is to train students at a high level in the subjects specified in the curriculum. They are also engaged in scientific research and actively participate in educational and spiritual activities.

Highly qualified theoretical professors and teachers, including doctors and candidates of science, as well as experienced practitioners, teach students issues related to the field of specialized education. They regularly improve their skills in scientific centers and educational institutions of Uzbekistan and abroad. In addition to traditional teaching methods, the educational process uses innovative approaches based on advanced pedagogical technologies, including individual and collective forms of distance learning via the Internet.


Admission of students to the educational direction “International Relations” began in the 2018-2019 academic year and to date, more than one hundred bachelor’s and master’s students have graduated. During their studies, some students became prize-winners and scholarship holders of various competitions, including the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as a number of international and republican ones. Among them, Sabina Khudoikulova was awarded the Imam al- Bukhari state scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. And in the 2023-2024 academic year, 4th year students of the direction “International Relations” - Kamolakhan Yusupova were awarded the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the direction of “International Relations” and Kamola Esanova - state scholarship “Imam al- Bukhari”.


Admission of students to the course of study “Jurisprudence (Islamic Law)” began in the 2022-2023 academic year. There are many talented students among the students who successfully participate in various competitions. For example, Murodkhanov Muhammadnur took 2nd place in the “Student of the Year - 2023” competition in the category “The most knowledgeable student in his specialty,” took part in a seminar held at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, and held an international competition and a place of honor at the Science Olympiad.

Department phone: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Karimov Farkhod Erkinovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Political Sciences 

Academic title: docent

Research fields:

international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, political science, world politics, political processes in Middle East, Conflictology

Foreign language skills: Russian, German and English

Main scientific works: 

  1. Karimov, Farkhod (2023): Crimes against of business activity: experience of the Republic of Uzbekistan // International Journal of Advance Scientific Research (ISSN – 2750-1396) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 04 Pages: 42-49 http://sciencebring.com/index.php/ijasr.
  2. Karimov, Farkhod (2023): The roots of the Salafi-Zaydi conflict in Yemen / Oriental journal of history, politics and law // ISSN: 2181-2780. P. 1-12 https://doi.org/10.37547/supsci-ojhpl-02-05-01  (in Uzbek).
  3. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Ethnic identity and its main principles in socio-political processes / Islamic thought - Tashkent.: 2022. - #4. - B. 115-124. ISSN 2181-9572. (in Uzbek).
  4. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Conceptual and practical approaches to solving ethnic problems / Journal of social research in Uzbekistan // Volume 2, No. 05. ISSN: 2181-2721. P. 20-28. https://topjournals.uz/index.php/jsru/article/view/99 (in English).
  5. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Ethnic identification and its main principles in socio-political processes Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities. Volume 11, October, 2022, ISSN NO:2720-4030. P. 176-185  https://periodica.com (SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 5.911). (in English).
  6. Karimov, Farkhod & others (2022): The school quality improvement against turbulence education. A confirmatory factor analysis approach. (Evidence from the 41 secondary schools Beshariq region, Uzbekistan) / International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I6.321 ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 06 2022. – P. 2517-2531. (in English).
  7. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): The historical roots of the revolution and conflict in Yemen and today // News of UzMU - Tashkent, 2022. - #1/10. ISSN 2181-7324 – B. 66-69. (in Uzbek)
  8. Karimov, Farkhod & others (2022): Improving the quality of school education in a turbulent educational environment // "Public education: problems, research, solutions" – Tashkent.: 2022. - #1. – P. 19-45. (in Uzbek)
  9. Karimov, Farkhod (2021): Analysis of the results of the UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report "Lessons from the recovery of education: a survey of ministries of education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic" // "Public education: problems, research, solutions" - Tashkent.: 2021. - #1. – P. 25-54. (in Uzbek)
  10. Karimov, Farkhod (2021): The role and importance of the ethno-religious factor in the political system of the countries of the Middle East region // Oriental studies. - Tashkent.: 2020. - #3. - B. 202-219. (in Uzbek)
  11. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): The problem of ethnic Kurds in the Middle East region: history and evolution / Russia and the Muslim world: scientific information bulletin / INION RAS, Center for scientific information. research global and regional problems. – Moscow, 2020. – No. 3 (317). – pp. 65-71. (in Russian)
  12. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): Influence of modern well-organized management policy to dynamics of school quality in secondary education system / Journal of critical reviews, Vol 7, Issue 16, 2020 / ISSN- 2394-5125 (Scopus 0,6) (in English).
  13. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): The issue of ethnic Kurdish people in the middle east: history of origin and evolution / International journal of pharmaceutical research, Vol. 12, Issue 06, 2020/ ISSN: 0975-2366 / – P. 7049-7066 (Scopus 0,28)
  14. Karimov, Farkhod & others (2020): Improving integrity of classes, teachers and schools: empirical analyses on education market indicators // International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 06, 2020/ ISSN: 1475-7192/ – P. 7049-7066 (Scopus 0,11) (in English).
  15. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): Kurdish Factor in Provision of Regional Security in Middle East / International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 11s, (2020), pp. 53-64. ISSN:2005-4238 (№3 Scopus 1,65) (in English).
  16. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): The role and significance of ethnic and religious factors in the political system of the Middle East / Published in: Questions of political science. – Moscow, 2020. – No. 5. – P. 1504-1512; (in Russian);
  17. Karimov, Farkhod (2019): Western and Eastern interpretation of democratic ideas and principles / Published in: "BULLETIN" of Karakalpak State University - Nukus, 2019. #2.- P. 122-124. (in Uzbek).
  18. Karimov, Farkhod (2019): The Kurdish factor in the regional security of the Middle East / Education, science and innovation. - Tashkent, 2019. - #1. - P. 28-31; (in Uzbek).
  19. Karimov, Farkhod (2017): Conceptual bases of regional security issues and regulation of ethnic relations in the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan / "XXI century: issues of science and education" (electronic journal) – Tashkent, 2017. - #1. http://www.sharqjurnali.uz/en/ (in Uzbek).
  20. Karimov, Farkhod (2017): T State and community security and the main factors affecting it // Published in: Torch of the East - Tashkent, 2017. - No. 2. - P. 136-145. (in Uzbek).
  21. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): Impact of Ethnopolitical Issues in the Middle East on Regional Security // Published in: Oriental studies. - Tashkent, 2016. - No. 3. - P. 158-165. (in Uzbek).
  22. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): Some conceptual views on the study of security issues // Published in: Oriental studies. - Tashkent, 2016. - No. 1. - P. 136-145. (in Uzbek).
  23. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): Radicalization of religion, ethnicity and sectarian conflicts in the Middle East // International Journal of development research, Vol.06, Issue, 08, – Delhi, India – pp.8964-8969, August, 2016 ISSN 2230-9926. http://www.journalijdr.com/radicalization-religion-ethnicity-and-sectarian-conflicts-middle-east . (in English).
  24. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): The islamists challenge and ethnopolitical situation in the Middle East after the Arab spring: implications for Central Asia // International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 4, April-2016. – NY, USA. – P. 896-904. ISSN 2229-5518. http://www.ijser.org. (in English).
  25. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): Stages of formation of ethnic structure of the people of Near-Eastern region // Published in: Eastern European Scientific Journal. – AURIS Kommunikations und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2015. – Vol6. – P. 67-74. (in English).
  26. Karimov, Farkhod (2015): Regional Security and Ethno-Political Issues: Interrelationships and Specific Features // News of UzMU - Tashkent, 2015. - #1/4. - B. 88-92. (in Uzbek).
  27. Karimov, Farkhod (2014): The impact of ethnic deficits on socio-political processes in the countries of the Middle East region // Published in: Scientific and analytical information - T.: Tashkent Islamic University, 2014. - #3. - P. 69-73. (in Uzbek).
  28. Karimov, Farkhod (2014): Issues of ensuring interethnic harmony and stability in Uzbekistan: legal and political aspects // Published in: Social opinion - Tashkent, 2014. - #3. - p. 82-86. (in Uzbek).
  29. Karimov, Farkhod (2014): Problems of regional security of the Middle East and their characteristics // Published in: International relations. - Tashkent, 2014. - #2. - P. 18-24. (in Uzbek).
  30. Karimov, Farkhod (2014): Peculiarities of the Arab-Israeli and Kurdish problem in the Middle East region // Published in: Oriental studies. - Tashkent, 2014. - #2. - B. 136-144. (in Uzbek).
  31. Karimov, Farkhod (2012): Peculiarities of ethnic relations in the conditions of globalization // Published in: Oriental studies. - Tashkent, 2012. - No. 2. - B. 102-109. (in Uzbek).


                                    Conference presentations, papers and thesis:                             

(Selected papers from over 50 most important papers published over the last 10 years) 


  1. Karimov, Farkhod (2023): Reforms in the field of youth policy: effectiveness and future tasks / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference on the topic " Research of the scientific-philosophical heritage of scholars of the Eastern Renaissance in the media development of New Uzbekistan": Tashkent, June 17, 2023 / Responsible editor: (PhD) M.Nurutdinova. - T.: IIAU, 2023. - 267 p.;
  2. Karimov, Farkhod (2023): The Great Silk Road in the history of the peoples of Central Asia and the Near East // Social and political aspects of the development of integration and cooperation of the Central Asian countries: a collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference: Tashkent, May 27, 2023 / Responsible editor: DSc., Assoc. F.E. Karimov. - T.: IIAU, 2023. - 200 p.
  3. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Theoretical aspects of factors important in the management of educational institutions // Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic "Actual issues of improving the management system in the field of public education".: Tashkent, December 14, 2022 - T. 2022 - 142 p.;
  4. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): The role of real tourism in the economy of Muslim countries / Proceedings of the republican scientific-practical conference on "Development of tourism in post-pandemic conditions: problems and solutions". - T.: UzXIA, 2022. - p. 150-154.
  5. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the countries of the Muslim world // III - International SYMPOSIUM on "Philosophy, culture of Turkic-speaking countries: history, present and future" materials. - T., UzXIA , 2022 - 398-403 bb .
  6. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): Historical Roots and Present of Ethnic-Confessional Conflict in Yaman //Collection of international scientific and practical conference on "Interethnic harmony and religious tolerance as a guarantee of social stability" : Tashkent, November 16, 2022. - Tashkent: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, 2022. - 280 p.;
  7. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): China's participation in geopolitical processes in the Middle East region //Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Uzbekistan-China: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic relations" organized on November 19, 2022 in accordance with Annex 1 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 101 of March 7, 2022. - T., TUOS, 2022 - 528 pages;
  8. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): The Ethnic Kurdish Problem in the Middle East Region: History of Origins and Evolution // Collection of III - International SYMPOSIUM on the topic "Philosophy, culture of Turkic-speaking countries: history, present and future". - T., UzXIA , 2022 - pp. 50-55;
  9. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): The process and prospects of introducing media literacy into the public education system // Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical online conference on "International experiences and development prospects": Gulistan, April 6, 2022. - G.: Syrdarya region, 2022. - 762 pages;
  10. Karimov, Farkhod (2022): External evaluation of school activities in Uzbekistan: problems and solutions // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical online conference on "Current problems of researching international assessment programs and educational quality": Tashkent, March 11, 2022. - T.: - 2022. - 382 pages.;
  11. Karimov, Farkhod (2021): Ethnic identity and its main principles in socio-political processes // Cultural-humanitarian and socio-ideological aspects of the development of integration and cooperation of Central Asian countries: a collection of materials of the international online scientific-practical conference: Tashkent, June 18, 2021 / Responsible editor: prof. Z.I. Munavvarov. - T.: UzIIA, 2021. - p. 52-56.;
  12. Karimov, Farkhod (2021): Uzbekistan TIMSS international in his research officially participation to reach started //"Actual issues of continuous professional development of public education workers" // Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference, May 28, 2021 - T.: A. Avloni Scientific Research Institute for Studying the Problems of Public Education and Determining its Prospects , 2021. - pp. 191-193.;
  13. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): “The Kurdish factor in the regional security of the Middle East” // Modern military conflicts and ways to prevent them: Proceedings of the international scientific online conference, 2020. November 4-5. - T.: O'R JV Academy, 2020. - p. 11-23;
  14. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): “Theoretical views and conceptual approaches to overcoming ethnic problems” // Proceedings of International Multidisciplinary Scientific-Remote Online Conference on Innovative Solutions and Advanced Experiments. ISSN: 2581-4230, Website: journalnx.com, June 18th & 19th, 2020. – P . 70-76;
  15. Karimov, Farkhod (2020): “The role of the Kurdish question in ensuring the regional security of the Middle East” // Modern transformation of international relations in Eastern countries. Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, May 16, 2020). - T.: TDShU, 2020. - p. 196-204.
  16. Karimov, Farkhod (2018): “Western and Eastern interpretation of democratic ideas and principles in security” // Materials of the republican scientific-theoretical conference on the topic "First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov - the chief reformer and organizer of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan". - Tashkent: Ministry of Spirituality and Enlightenment Center, 2018. - p. 32-35;
  17. Karimov, Farkhod (2018): Issues of intercultural education in the context of cultural diversity” // Modern problems of continuing education: innovation and prospects. Proceedings of the international scientific conference (Tashkent, May 2018). - Tashkent, 2018. - 336-338 p;
  18. Karimov, Farkhod (2017): “Problems in the establishment of mutual cooperation between the countries of the region in the settlement of ethnic problems in the Middle East” // World politics and the experience of Uzbekistan in the 21st century: political, legal and social aspects. A collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference of the Ministry of Higher and Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, April 8, 2017). - Tashkent, 2017. - 258-263 p.;
  19. Karimov, Farkhod (2016): “China's participation in geopolitical processes in the Middle East region” / Collection of materials of the scientific-methodological conference on the topic "Current issues of Chinese studies" (TashSIOS, Faculty of Chinese Studies, 2016) - Tashkent, 2016. - B. 113-117;
  20. Karimov, Farkhod (2015): “Regional Security and Ethno-Political Issues: Interrelationships and Specific Features” / A collection of scientific and practical conference materials on "World politics in the 21st century and the experience of Uzbekistan: political, legal and social aspects". - Tashkent.: 2015. - P. 231-236;
  21. Karimov, Farkhod (2012): “Content essence, forms and directions of globalization processes” //"XXI century - the century of innovative-intellectual ideas" collection of articles of the Republican Scientific and Scientific-Technical Conference (Tashkent, November 19, 2012) - Tashkent: UzNU, 2012 . - P.21-22.

Authorship scientific developments, patents and certificates:

  1. Karimov, Farkhod, & Ayubkhon Radjiev,  Digital Certificate No. DGU 10952 dated 23.03.2021 of the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the official registration of the "Continuing Vocational Education" electronic education platform;
  2. Karimov, Farkhod & others "Professional standard of general secondary school teacher". Digital Certificate No. 005003 dated 09.08.2022 of the "Intellectual Property Center" under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&hl=ru&user=wORpYysAAAAJ

Email address: f.karimov@iiau.uz 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Berdiev Bektash Oxnorovich

Academic degree: PhD

Academic title: not

Research fields:

Muslim countries and contemporary geopolitical processes, Geopolitics, Diplomacy service, protocol and etiquette.

Foreign language skills:

 Russian, German and English

Main scientific works:                                

  1. Центральная Азия в условиях усиления региональных вызовов. POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL (ISSUE 5(26), 2020) - Warsaw: Sp. z o. o. "iScience", 2020. Part 2 - 189 p.
  2. Central Asia: International relations as a factor of regional stability and integration. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (ISSN – 2693-0803). 2020.
  3. Актуальные вопросы создания положительного облика страны и продвижение международного имиджа. Ислом тафаккури. №4 (2020) (Махсус сон).
  4. Миллатлараро муносабатларнинг мураккаблашув жараёнлари ҳамда ахборотларнинг салбий таъсири. O‘zbekistonda ijtimoiy fanlar. № 3-4 / 2020.
  5. Профессионал бошқарув кадрлар тайёрлаш: муаммолар ва вазифалар. Жамият ва бошқарув. 2021. 1-сон. (91).
  6. Tуркий тилли давлатлар ўртасида туризм соҳасидаги алоқаларни ривожлантиришнинг устувор масалалари ва истиқболлари. Ислом тафаккури. №1 (2021) (Махсус сон).
  7. Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро имиджини юксалтириш – давлатнинг стратегик вазифаси сифатида. O‘zbekistonda ijtimoiy fanlar. № 4 / 2021.
  8. The Use Of Public Relations Technology In Public Administration And Image Problems. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 6, July 2021
  9. Cooperation with international organizations as an important factor in raising the international image of the country. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (ISSN – 2693-0803) VOLUME 04 ISSUE 03 Pages: 2022
  10. Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро имиджини юксалтириш – давлатнинг стратегик вазифаси сифатида. ЎзМУ хабарлари. Вестник НУУз. ACTA NUUz. Мирзо Улуғбек номидаги Ўзбекистон миллий университети илмий журнали. 2022.
  11. Янги Ўзбекистоннинг тараққиёт стратегияси мамлакат халқаро имиджини юксалтиришнинг муҳим сиёсий омили сифатида. Science and innovation international scientific journal. Volume 1 issue 8 UIF-2022: ISSN:
  12. Mamlakat barqarorligini ta’minlash masalalari va davlatning xalqaro imidji masalalari. Oriental Renaissance: Innovative,  educational, natural and social sciences. Scientific Journal Impact Factor. Advanced Sciences Index Factor. VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12. ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022:
  13. Image policy as an important factor in the improvement and progress of the country. Web of Humanities: Journal of Social Science and Jumanitarien Research. Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2023
  14. Самарали сиёсий модернизация жараёнлари –Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро имижи юксалишининг муҳим аспекти сифатида. ЖУРНАЛ РЕНЕCСАНСА ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ. Том 3 № 2 (2022)
  15. Глобаллашув шароитида давлатнинг радикализмга қарши кураш сиёсати ва унинг халқаро майдондаги имиджини юксалтириш масалалари   Босма               Глобаллашув жараёнида исломни тушуниш муаммолари: халқаро илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. – Тошкент: 2022 й.
  16. Халқаро миқёсдаги хавф-хатарларга қарши курашда давлат сиёсий имиджи масалалари. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Jamoat xavfsizligi universiteti «Ekstremizm va terrorizmga qarshi kurashish strategiyasi: xalqaro va milliy tajriba». Konferensiya materiallari to‘plami. 28 yanvar 2022 yil. II qism. Toshkent.
  17. Туркий давлатлар ташкилоти доирасидаги фаолият – давлат имиджининг етакчи омили сифатида.        Туркий тилли давлатларнинг фалсафаси, маданияти: тарих, бугун ва келажак мавзусидаги III – Халқаро симпозиум материаллари. Тошкент – 2022.
  18. Марказий Осиё бўйича интеграциявий ташаббуслар ўзбекистон халқаро майдондаги имиджини юксалтиришнинг муҳим омили сифатида.     Марказий Осиё давлатлари интеграцияси ва ҳамкорлигини ривожлантиришнинг маданий-гуманитар ва ижтимоий-мафкуравий жиҳатлари. Халқаро онлайн илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. Тошкент, 2021
  19. Гуманитар фанларни ривожлантиришнинг долзарб муаммолари ва уларнинг мамлакат имиджи тизимидаги ўрни. Материалы международной научно-практической онлайн – конференции приуроченной к 15-летию филиала и в честь академика В.Б. Кудрявцева “«Интеллектуальные технологии в образовании»”. 2021
  20. Мамлакатнинг халқаро имиджини юксалтиришда ЮНЕСКО нинг ўрни ва роли. “Turkiy tilli xalqlar falsafasi, madaniyati: tarix, bugun va kelajak” mavzusidagi II – Xalqaro Simpozium materiallari. Тоshkent – 2022
  21. Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро майдондаги имиджини юксалтиришнинг сиёсий жиҳатлари. Приоритеты внешней политики Республики Узбекистан в современных условиях: экономика, право, политика. Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции. 6 мая 2021 г. Ташкент -2021.
  22. Ўзбекистон халқаро майдондаги имиджини юксалтиришда Марказий Осиёдаги интеграцион жараёнларнинг аҳамияти. Новый Узбекистан и региональное партнерство в Центральной Азии. Материалы международной – научно-практической конференции. (18 октября 2021 года). Ташкент – 2022.
  23. Центральная Азия: усложнение межнациональных отношений как фактор региональной дестабилизации. Ethnics. Nationalism. Globalism: International Online Scientific Conference Proceedings. Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди. – Кiев., 2020.
  24. Ўзбекистонда сиёсий ва фуқаролик институтлари фаолиятида PR технологияларини жорий қилишнинг долзарб масалалар. “Медиалингвистика: назарияси ва амалиёти” мавзусида халқаро миқёсдаги илмий-амалий конференция тўплами. Оммавий коммуникациялар ва журналистика университети. 2020.
  25. Ўзбекистонда сиёсий ва фуқаролик институтлари фаолиятида PR технологияларини жорий қилишнинг долзарб масалалар. “Медиалингвистика: назарияси ва амалиёти” мавзусида халқаро миқёсдаги илмий-амалий конференция тўплами. Оммавий коммуникациялар ва журналистика университети. 2020
  26. Давлат ҳокимияти фаолияти ва ундаги ислоҳотлар – давлат имижи юксалишининг муҳим омили сифатида. Марказий Осиё давлатлари интеграцияси ва ҳамкорлигини ривожлантиришнинг ижтимоий ва сиёсий жиҳатлари. Республика илмий-амалий конференцияси материаллари тўплами (Тошкент, 2022 йил 26 май) Тошкент – 2022
  27. Ўзбекистон – давлат ҳокимиятидаги институционал ўзгаришлар ва жадал демократик янгиланишлар даври. “XXI асрда фан ва бадиий таълим интеграциясининг ривожланиш истиқболлари” мавзусидаги Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. Тошкент- 2020.
  28. Профессионал сиёсатшуносларни тайёрлаш ва сиёсий фанларнинг имижини юксалтириш масалалари. Ўзбекистонда политологиянинг янги босқичи. Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. – Тошкент: «Complex Print», 2022.
  29. Ғоявий-мафкуравий зиддиятларнинг кучайиши ва сиёсий модернизациялашнинг долзарб масалалари. Мустақиллик шароитида халқимизнинг ғоявий тарбияланишининг долзарб масалалари: республика илмий-назарий анжуман материаллари тўплами. – Т., 2020.
  30. Ёшлар дунёқарашини ҳимоя қилиш ва юксалтиришда сиёсий билимларнинг ўрни. Миллий юксалишни таъминлашда ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг ўрни: Республика илмий-амалий конференцияси материаллари тўплами. – Т., 2020.
  31. Анализ и прогноз взаимоотношения государств Центральной Азии в условиях усиления региональных и глобальных вызовов. Шарқ мамлакатларидаги халқаро муносабатларнинг замонавий трансформацияси: Вазирлик миқёсидаги илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. – Т., 2020.
  32. Ўзбекистонда сиёсий модернизация жараёнларининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари. Монография. “Наврўз” нашриёти. Тошкент – 2020. 162 бет.
  33. “Геосиёсат”. Ўқув қўлланма. “Академия” нашриёти. Тошкент – 2022. 188 бет.
  34. Бошланғич партия ташкилотлари ишини ташкил қилиш    Услубий-қўлланма. “Университет” нашриёти. Тошкент 2019. 54 бет Ҳаммуаллифликда
  35. Илмий тадқиқот методологияси. Дарслик. “Академия” нашриёти. Тошкент – 2022. 197 бет. Ҳаммуаллифликда
  36. Илмий тадқиқот методологияси. Ўқув қўлланма. “Янги аср авлоди” нашриёти. Тошкент – 2023. 200 бет.
  37. Яқин Шарқдаги сиёсий-ҳарбий, иқтисодий-молиявий жараёнлар. Ўқув қўлланма. “Янги аср авлоди” нашриёти. Тошкент – 2023.        197  бет. Ҳаммуаллифликда

Scientific works link: https://myaccount.google.com/?hl=ru

Email address: bektoshb@rambler.ru

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98

Full Name: Kolkanov Nuriddin Tashpulatovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 

Academic title: assistant professor

Research fields: political science, history of political institutions and processes, world politics

Foreign language skills: Russian

Main scientific works: 

- Siyosiy yetakchi imijining shakllanishi. Monografiya. – Toshkent: “Ilm ziyo zakovat”, 2019.; 

  • Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро имижини шакллантириш омиллари. Ta’lim, fan va innovatsiya. – Toshkent, 2020. №3.;
  • Раҳбар имижи шаклланишида рекламанинг ўрни. POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL international science journal ISSUE 3(36) Part 4 Warsaw, Poland Wydawnictwo Naukowe “iScience” 2021.;
  • Сайлов кампанияси жараёнида сиёсий етакчи имижини яратиш. Ўзбекистон суд экспертизаси. – Тошкент, 2021. № 2.;
  • Конституция инсон ҳуқуқлари кафолатчиси сифатида. Ўзбекистон суд экспертизаси. – Тошкент, 2021. № 3.;
  • Xalqaro keskinlik sharoitida siyosiy yetakchi imijini shakllantirishning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari. O‘zbekiston sud ekspertizasi. – Toshkent, 2023. №1(8).;
  • “Raqamli sud ekspertiza” (dijital forensics) dasturini amaliyotga joriy qilishning e’tiborli jihatlari. O‘zbekiston sud ekspertizasi. – Toshkent, 2023. №2(9).;
  • Ўзбекистон Республикаси Сайлов тизими ва унинг ҳуқуқий асослари. “Sud ekspertizasi: kecha va bugun” мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари. – Тошкент, 2021 йил 30 июнь.
  • Siyosiy tizimlar tahlili “Sud ekspertiza sohasini rivojlantirishning zamonaviy usullari va ustuvor yo‘nalishlari” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. – Toshkent, 2023.

Ilmiy ishlari havolasi: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZQvEE6QAAAAJ&hl=ru

Elektron manzili: jamshid.1984@mail.ru 

Ishxona telefon raqami: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Yunusov Khaydarali Muratovich 

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD in Law)

Academic title: Associate professor/docent 

Research fields:

international law, Islamic law, European Union law, comparative law, 

constitutional law, human rights, public administration and institutional reform 

Foreign language skills: French and English 

Main scientific works: 

– The European Union and Central Asia: from a strategy of cooperation and partnership - towards new opportunities for an expanded partnership. Monograph /Responsible editor Academician A.Kh. Saidov. - Tashkent: "Lesson press", 2022. - 416 p. (In Uzbek) 

– Islam and international law. Islamic doctrine of international law: Sarakhsi's international legal views. Monograph /Responsible editor Academician A.Kh. Saidov. – Tashkent: "Lesson Press", 2022. - 368 p. (In Uzbek) 

– European Union law / Textbook. – Tashkent: TSUL "Lesson Press", 2022. - 556 p. (In Uzbek) 

– An explanatory dictionary of Uzbek legal terms / Legal dictionary. – Tashkent: Science Publishing House, 2022. - 409 p. (Co-authored) (In Uzbek) 

– Islamic law /Textbook for higher educational institutions. - Tashkent: TSUL, 2021. - 265 p. (Co-authored) (In Uzbek) 

– US higher education system and legal education / Monograph. - Tashkent: TSUL, "Lesson Press", 2021. – 108 p. (In Uzbek) 

– International public law / Textbook for higher educational institutions. - T.: UWED, Lesson press, 2020. – 746 p. (Co-authored) (In Uzbek) 

– European Union Law /Textbook (Third Edition). – Tashkent: UWED, 2019. - 678 p. (In Uzbek) 

– Transboundary rivers and large dams: threats, losses and security measures / Scientific and popular publication. - Tashkent: "Yangi asr avlodi", 2015. - 268 p. (Co-authored) (In Uzbek) 

– Issues of solving international legal disputes related to the use of transboundary waters / Monograph. - T.: UWED, 2017. – 210 p. (In Uzbek) 

Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=KTrfe50AAAAJ 

Email address: x.yunusov@iiau.uz /yunusovkm@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98 


Full Name: Nazirov Mukhtor Makhmudovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields:

international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, political science, world politics, political processes in Central Asia, youth policy

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– “Markaziy Osiyo: zamonaviy siyosiy jarayonlar”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2021; (In Uzbek)

– “Yangi Oʻzbekistonda yoshlarning faol fuqarolik pozitsiyasi”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023; (In Uzbek)

– “Yevropa ittifoqi va Markaziy Osiyo: yangi sherikchilik strategiyasi”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)

– “Xalqaro va mintaqaviy tashkilotlar”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020; (In Uzbek)

–  “Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari hamkorligining istiqbollari va imkoniyatlari”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2021 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)

–  “Oʻzbekistonni rivojlantirish strategiyasi. Fuqarolik jamiyati”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2021 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)

–   “Yoshlarda faol fuqarolik pozitsiyasini shakllantirish”. Oʻquv-uslubiy qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020; (In Uzbek)

– Стратегия действий по пяти приоритетным направлениям развития Республики Узбекистан в 2017-2021 годах”. Научно-понятийное пособие. Ташкент, 2020 (in co-authorship); (In Russian)

–  “The Strategy of Actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021”. Scientific-conceptual guide. Tashkent, 2020 (in co-authorship) and etc.

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: m.nazirov@iiau.uz 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Akramov Jahongir Djumanazarovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 

Academic title: senior teacher

Research fields: 

history of international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, political science, world politics, political processes in Central Asia

Foreign language skills:

 Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– Amaliy siyosatshunoslik. Uslubiy qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023; 

– Oʻzbekiston tarixi. Oʻquv-uslubiy qoʻllanma, Namangan, 2016.

– Ijro hokimiyatini modernizatsiyalash: O‘zbekistonda davlat boshqaruvini nomarkazlashtirish siyosati. // O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Milliy gvardiyasi Harbiy-texnika instituti Axborotnomasi. -Toshkent, 2018-yil, 4-son. –B. 64-66;

– Ma’muriy islohotlar konsepsiyasi O‘zbekistonda ijro hokimiyatini modernizatsiyalashning bosh nazariy mezoni sifatida // O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti xabarlari. -Toshkent, 2018-yil, 1/5-son. –B. 138-141; 

–  Ilk mustaqillik yillarida O‘zbekistonda ijro hokimiyati modernizatsiyasi // “Ta’lim, fan va innovatsiya” jurnali, – Toshkent, 2019-yil, 2-son. –B. 72-74; 

–  Innovatsiya – siyosiy tadqiqot obyekti // Falsafa va huquq. – Toshkent, 2020. - №1. – B. 105-108; 

–   Стратегия реформирования исполнительной системы власти в Узбекистане // Paradigmata poznání. – Czech Republic, Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ». 2020. – №1. – С. 34-40;

– The modernization of executive power in Uzbekistan during the first years of Independence. // Tematics journal of Social Sciences: Vol-7 pp. 68-74 (Issue-4). May, 2021. (35) CrossRef. India, ISSN 2277-3010 and etc.

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: jahongir_uzb@list.ru 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Akmalov Shaislam Ikramovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields: The Afghanistan problem, International relations, Political processes in Middle East,  Foreign policy and diplomacy.

Foreign language skills: Russian, Farsi, Dari and English

Main scientific works:

“Afg`oniston-O`zbekiston: o`tmishdan hozirgacha”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023.

– “Опыт становления и развития отношений между Узбекистаном и Ираном за прошедшие 30 лет”, http://www.iimes.ru/?p=85527. “Институт Ближнего Востока» сайти 5 май 2022й. (In Russian)

– “Forscha – o`zbekcha qisqacha o`quv lug`ati”, O`zXIA, 2021.

– “Геополитический разрыв между Центральной и Южной Азией”, http://www.iimes.ru/?p=83755, 22 февраля 2022 г. (In Russian)

– Опыт становления и развития узбекско-иранских отношений 
за прошедшие 30 лет - آينه رابطه 30 ساله ايران و ازبكستان https://www.etemadnewspaper.ir/fa/main/detail/187143. 2022 йил, 3 июль сони. (In Persian)

– “Партнёрство США и Индии в стабилизации ситуации в Афганистане: подходы Нью-Дели”, США&Канада: экономика, политика, культура. – М.: 2021; 51(2). (In Russian)

– “The Peace Process In Afghanistan And The Role Of Uzbekistan”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 6, July 2021. (In English)

– “FEATURES OF THE AFGHAN VECTOR OF FOREIGN POLICY OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION”, Vol 09 Issue 12, Dec 2020 ISSN 2456 – 5083 www.ijiemr.or(In English)

– “О некоторых аспектах религиозной обстановки в странах Центральной Азии”, Қирғизистон Республикаси Дин ишлари бўйича Давлат комиссиясининг сайти. 27 октябрь 2014 йил. 

http: www.religion.gov.kg/ru/MK_Mir _I_ religia _in_ central_Asia_itogi.html. (In Russian)

– “О некоторых аспектах внешней политики Ирана в отношении Афганистана”, http://carnegieendowment.org/2014/04/11/ru-pub-55327. (In Russian)

– “Афганистан на перепутье: проблемы и перспективы”. Монография, Издательский дом «LAP» (LAMBERT Academic publishing). Германия. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. (In Russian)

– “Turkiye – Ozbekiston Ilishekleri: Sorunlari ve Gelecegi” / Turkiye Turk Cumhurietleri ilisheklari. Ankara. Baris kitab. 2013. (In Turkish)

– “Афганская стратегия администрации Б.Обамы”/ Азия и Африка сегодня. 

N 3 (668). 2013.  (In Russian)

– “Образовательная и духовно-просветительская деятельность Ташкентского исламского университета” / Ислам в Содружестве Независимых Государств № 1 (6) 31.07.2012.  (In Russian)

– “Национальная стратегия Республики Узбекистан в вопросах мирного урегулирования афганского конфликта (1991 – 2009)”, Учебное пособие, “Тошкент ислом университети” НМБ, 2009.  (In Russian).

– “Uzbekistan`s Role in Stability and Development of Afghanistan”, Policy perspectives. Islamabad. Volume 6. January – June 2009/ Number 1. (In English). 

– “Сиёсатшунослик: саволлар ва жавоблар” (университет талабалари учун ўқув қўлланма). “Тошкент ислом университети” НМБ, 2008. (In Uzbek)

 “Aspects of Historical and cultural Commenness of the Countries of Central Asia”, Dialogue among Civilizations, High Level Conference “Euroasia in the XXI Century: Dialogue of Cultures, or Conflict of Civilizations?” – Bishkek, 2006. (In English)


Scientific works link: -----

Email address: Shaislamakmalov@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98 

1. Мансур Юнусов. Коммуникатив инқироз шароитида раҳбар кадрларнинг оммавий ахборот воситалари билан ишлаш кўникмаларини ривожлантириш йўллари   Босма    Ўзбекистон халқаро медиа имижининг когнитив аспектлари: назария ва амалиёт халқаро конференция. Тошкент,  2020. - Б.: 79-81.      0,3 б.т.

2. Мансур Юнусов. Креатив ва танқидий фикрлашнинг мазмун-моҳяти ва асосий тамойиллари                 Ижтимойи-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари, Тошкент, №3, 2021. - Б.: 19-21.        0,2 б.т.        

3. Мансур Юнусов. Rahbarning OAV bilan ishlash madaniyati  Босма    Zamonaviy mass-medianing dolzarb muammolari Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiy, Toshkent, 2021. - B.: 69-71.     0,2 б.т.        

4. Мансур Юнусов. Халқаро майдонда Ўзбекистон имижини кенг тарғиб қилиш масалалари Босма         Жамият ва бошқарув. Ташкент, 2021. №1(91). - - Б.: 195-200.    0,3 б.т.    

5. Мансур Юнусов. Замонавий раҳбар кадрларда ОАВ билан ишлаш маданиятини шакллантириш    Босма              “Миллий юксалишнинг янги босқичи” ўқув-услубий қўлланма // Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти ҳузуридаги Давлат бошқаруви академияси. Тошкент, 2021. Маънавият нашриёти.  - Б.: 196-199.  0,2 б.т.        

6. Мансур Юнусов. Zamonaviy jamiyatda fan va talimning rivojlanish istiqbollari: muammo va yechimlar //Хalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. Surxondaryo 2021.  - B.: 553-556.          0,2 б.т.        

7. Мансур Юнусов. Мутаассиблик ва экстремистик ташкилотларнинг кибер оламда фаоллашуви         Босма               Diniy sohani raqamlashtirish va axborot xavfsizligini ta`minlash muammolari// Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari // Xalqaro islom akademiyasi. Toshkent, 2021. - B.: 97-99. 0,2 б.т.  

8. Мансур Юнусов. Ҳозирги даврда ахборот маданияти глобаллашуви ва ахборот хавфсизлиги муаммолари раҳбарнинг ОАВ билан ишлаш маданияти     Босма              O`zbekiston yoshlarida axborot madaniyatini shakllantirishni dolzarb muammolari // ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari// Namangan davlat universiteti. 2021. - B.: 3-8.    0,2 б.т    Н.Қурбонова

9. Мансур Юнусов. Модулли-кредит тизими – таълимни ривожлантиришнинг инновацион ва таъсирчан технологияси сифатида       Босма             Масофавий таълимни ташкил этишнинг педагогик-психологик жиҳатлари// Республика илмий-амалий конференция тўпламлари//Тошкент давлат шарқшунослик университети. Тошкент, 2021. - Б.: 428-431.   0,2 б.т         Ҳ.Жабборов

10. Раҳбарнинг ОАВ билан ишлаш маданияти. Zamonaviy jamiyatda fan va talimning rivojlanish istiqbollari: muammo va yechimlar // xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. Surxondaryo.  2021,  - B.: 34-37.        0.2 б.т         

11. Why is it necessary to develop public relations in the civil service    электрон       Galaxy international interdisciplinary research journal (GIIRJ) ISSN (E): 2347-6915 Vol. 10, Issue 2, Feb. (2022). https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/1277. 0.2 б.т.    

12. Раҳбарнинг ОАВ билан ишлаш маданияти     Босма             «Давлат бошқаруви тизимининг замонавий муаммолари ва ривожлантиришнинг устувор йўналишлари» халқаро конференция, Давлат бошқаруви академияси, Тошкент, 2022. - Б.: 102-114.  0.3 б.т.    

13. Fragender effektiven nutzung von PR-technologien im offerentlichen dientst     электрон Berlin Studies Transnational Journal of Science and Humanities. http:// berlinstudies.de. 2022.    0.2 б.т         U.Saidov

14. Давлат хизматида жамоатчилик билан алоқаларни ривожлантириш омиллари.     босма      Жамият ва бошқарув. 2022 йил 1-сон. 71-76 б. 0.2 б.т  

II бўлим (II часть; Part II)

1.  Ўзбекистонда болалар журналистикаси (босма нашрлар мисолида)     Босма          Монография /  Тошкент,  Zamon poligraf o/k, 2020. – 136 б.  8,5 б.т.        

2. Болалар журналистикаси типологияси    Босма         Ўқув-услубий қўлланма. Хоразм, «Xorazm yoshlari» nashriyot-matbaa uyi. 2020,  – 124 б.     7,75 б.т.      

3. Илм, маърифат ва рақамлаштириш – миллий юксалиш гарови     Босма          Ўқув-услубий мажмуа/  Тошкент, Akademiya. 2020. - 258 б. 4 боб. 4.5. 

- Б.: 262-271. 0,6 б.т.        Муаллифлар жамоаси

3. “Маърифат” тарғиботчилар жамияти ходимлари иш фаолияти самарадорлигини ошириш бўйича   Босма          Услубий қўлланма / Тошкент, “Yoshlar media print”. 2020. - Б.: 48-58.  0,6 б.т.        Муаллифлар жамоаси

4. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий Мажлиси ва халқига Мурожаатномаси бўйича “Миллий юксалишнинг янги босқичи”          Босма         Ўқув-услубий қўлланма/  Тошкент, “Ma`naviyat” 2021,  – 256 б. 4 боб, 4.2. 

- Б.: 196-203. 0.5.б.т.        Муаллифлар жамоаси

5. Бошқарув кадрларининг ОАВ билан ишлаш маданияти. Ўқув қўлланма //Тошкент, Akademiya. 2022.  – 128 б.  8 б.т       

6. Давлат хизматида жамоатчилик билан алоқалар. Монография. Тошкент, Zamon. 2023. – 200 б.

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