Social sciences and law
![]() | Full Name: Yusupova Nigora Djalaliddin qizi Academic degree: DSc Academic title: professor Research fields: 24.00.03 – Science of fiqh and kalom. theology Foreign language skills: Russian, arabian and english |
Main scientific works:
- Yusupova N. Islom huquqida nikoh va oilaviy munosabatlarning tarixiy-nazariy asoslari. - T.: “Complex Print” - 2020. - 163 b.
- Yusupova N. Burhoniddin Marg‘inoniyning “Al-Hidoya” asaridagi nikoh va oilaviy munosabatlar tahlili. - T.: “Complex Print” - 2021. - 108 b.
- Yusupova N. Islomda ayol huquqlari. T.: “Bookmany print” nashriyoti, -2022. –180 b.
Scientific articles:
- Yusupova N. Jamiyat ma’naviy barqarorligini ta’minlashda oilani mustahkamlashning huquqiy va ma’naviy asoslari // Jamiyat va boshqaruv. - 2019. №1. - B. 84-91.
- Yusupova N. Yoshlarni oilaga tayyorlashda oila huquqi meyorlarini o‘rganishning ahamiyati // Ijtimoiy fikr. Inson huquqlari. - 2019. - №2. - B. 148-153.
- Yusupova N. Islomda nikohning tugatilish asoslari va uning huquqiy oqibatlari // Islom ziyosi. - 2019. - №1. - B. 148-153.
- Yusupova N. Islom manbalarida ayol huquqlarining nazariy qoidalari // Huquqiy tadqiqotlar. - 2019. – Maxsus son. - B. 46-57.
- Yusupova N. Islom huquqida nikoh shartlari va nikohga mone’lik qiladigan holatlar // Islom ziyosi. - 2019. - №4. - B. 76-85.
- Yusupova N. Reculiarities of studying family law in islam // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. - 2020. - №1. - B. 7678.
- Yusupova N. Yoshlar tarbiyasida milliy qadriyatlar va oilaning o‘rni // Qoraqalpoq davlat universiteti xabarshisi. - 2020. - №1. - B. 105-107.
- Yusupova N. Fuqarolik jamiyatini rivojlantirishda ayollar masalasi. // Jamiyat va boshqaruv. - 2020. №1. - B. 184-189.
- Yusupova N. O‘zbekistonda nikoh yoshi: huquqiy tartibga solish. // Ijtimoiy fikr. Inson huquqlari - 2020. - №1. - B. 53-58.
- Yusupova N. Islom huquqida oila va jamiyat barqarorligini ta’minlashda ijtimoiy himoyaning mohiyati // Ijtimoiy fikr. Inson huquqlari - 2020. - №4. – B. 71-76.
- Yusupova N. Jamiyat, xotin-qizlar huquqlari va din // Ijtimoiy fikr. Inson huquqlari - 2021. - №2. – B. 76-83.
- Yusupova N. XII asrda Movarounnahrda yaratilgan fiqhiy asarlar mohiyati // Islom tafakkuri. Ilmiy-ma’rifiy, diniy-madaniy, axborot nashri. 2021 yil maxsus son. - B. 3-8.
- Yusupova N. Burhoniddin Marg‘inoniyning al-Hidoya asari muhim fiqhiy manba sifatida // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. - 2021. - №4. - B. 2325.
- Yusupova N. Yoshlar o‘rtasida radikalizmni oldini olishda jaholatga qarshi ma’rifat bilan kurashning ahamiyati. (O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevning Oliy Majlis va O‘zbekiston xalqiga Murojaatnomasi bo‘yicha munosabat) // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. - 2022. - №4. - B. 132133.
- Yusupova N. Movarounnahrlik faqih Faxruddin Qozixon hayoti va ilmiy merosi. // Islom tafakkuri. Ilmiy-ma’rifiy, diniy-madaniy, axborot nashri. - 2023. - №1. - B. 6-10.
Foreign articles:
- Юсупова Н. Правовые основы семейных отношений и духовное наследие // Россия. История государства и права - 2019. - №11. - С. 31-36.
- Юсупова Н. Религиозная сущность брачного возраста в исламе. // Россия и Мусульманский мир. - 2020. №2. – C. 93-101
- Yusupova N. Social right of women in islam. // EPRA International Journal of Research & Development. (IJRD)Volume: 5, Issue:8, August, - 2020. P. 345-348 Impact Factor: 7001.
- Yusupova N. Islom huquqida nikoh bitimining muhim shartlari // So’z san’ati. Xalqaro jurnal. Doi Journal. 10.26739/2181-9297. - 2020. - №4. - B. 164-174.
- Yusupova N. Important terms and conditions of marriage agreement in islamic law // Journal of critical reviews. ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 10, ISSUE 22, -2020. P. 414-422.
- Yusupova N. Reculiarities of studying family law in islam. // Zien journal of social sciences of humanities. 30/04/2022. - P. 185-188.
- Юсупова Н. Значимость изучения духовного наследия в укреплении семейных отношений // Сentral asian journal of social sciences and history VOLUME: 03 ISSUE: 11 | NOV - 2022 (ISSN: 2660-6836) - P. 200-207.
Theses of international and local conferences:
- Yusupova N. Mustahkam oila taraqqiyot kafolati // - Namangan.: Oila barqarorligi davlat va jamiyat kafolatidir. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari, - 2019. - B. 253-257.
- Yusupova N. Значимост изучения духовного наследия в укреплении семейных отношений // - T.: Yoshlarni mustahkam oilaviy munosabatlarga tayyorlash farovon oila asosidir. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferenstiyasi materiallari, - 2019. - B. 110-113.
- Yusupova N. Yoshlar ongida faol fuqarolik pozistiyasini shakllantirishda oilaning tutgan o‘rni // - T.: Ma’naviy tahdidlarga qarshi kurashish mexanizmlarini takomillashtirish xavfsizlikni ta’minlash omili sifatida. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari, - 2019. - B. 297-298.
- Юсупова Н. Актуальност изучения особенностей прав женщин в исламе. // Praha. Мateriály xv mezinárodní vĕdecko – praktická konference. -2019. - №9. - С. 46-48.
- Yusupova N. Abu-l-Muin Nasafiy hayoti va ilmiy merosini o‘rganishning bugungi kundagi ahamiyati // - Qarshi.: Jaholatga qarshi ma’rifat bilan kurashgan buyuk alloma. Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferenstiya materiallari to‘plami. // Qarshi. - 2019. - B. 268-274.
- Yusupova N. Islom ta’limotida ayol huquqlarining asoslari // - T.: Imom Abu Mansur Moturidiy va moturidiya ta’limoti: o‘tmish va bugun. Xalqaro konferenstiya materiallari to‘plami, - 2020. - B. 282-285.
- Yusupova N. Ta’lim va tarbiya samaradorligi oshirishda xotin-qizlarning o‘rni // - T.: Konferenstiya istiqlolimiz va istiqbolimiz poydevori. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari, - 2020. - B. 28-31.
- Юсупова Н. Расширение прав и возможностей женщин – важный фактор развития общества // Актуальные вопросы современного образования. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции 12 ноября 2020. - С. 116-123.
- Yusupova N. O‘zbekiston respublikasida konfessiyalararo muloqotning bugungi kundagi rivoji // - T.: Globallashuv jarayonida islomni tushunish muammolari mavzuidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. - 2021. - B. 28-31.
- Yusupova N. O‘zbekiston Respublikasida konfessiyalararo muloqotning ahamiyati // - T.: Millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bag‘rikenglik – jamiyat barqarorligi garovi - 2022. - B. 46-50.
- Yusupova N. Markaziy Osiyo ziyoratgohlari tarixiga nazar: “Shoh Mansur va Shoh Nosir” ziyoratgohlari. - T.: Turkiy tilli davlatlarning falsafasi, madaniyati: tarix, bugun va kelajak mavzusidagi III - Xalqaro SIMPOZIUM materiallari, - 2022. - B. 27-30.
Methodological works:
- Yusupova N. Fiqh (Furu’ va Usul) O‘quv qo‘llanma. - T.: “Complex Print”, - 2021. - 358 b.
- Yusupova N. O‘zbekistondagi noislomiy konfessiyalar faoliyatiga oid huquqiy meyorlar. Darslik. - T.: “Complex Print”, - 2021. - 399 b.
- Yusupova N. Kadirov M.B. Dinshunoslik Islom huquqi. Darslik. T.: O‘zbekiston Respublikasi jamoat xafsizligi universiteti nashriyoti, - 2021. - 447 b.
- Yusupova N. Usulul fiqh. O‘quv qo‘llanma. T.: “Bookmany print” nashriyoti, - 2022. - 350 b.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: n.yusupova@iiau.uz
Office phone number: +998 71 244 94 70
![]() | Full Name: Bekmirzaev Ilhomjon Isroiljonovich Academic degree: DSc Academic title: professor Research fields: 24.00.03 – Science of fiqh and kalom. theology Foreign language skills: Russian, Arabian, English, Germany, Turkish, Persian |
Main scientific works:
● Monographs.
- “Бурҳонуддин Маҳмуд ал-Бухорий ва Мовароуннаҳр қозилиги”. Тошкент.: “Таълим нашриёти” 2011. 200 бет.
- “Мовароуннаҳр ислом илмлари ривожида ҳанафий таълимоти”. Жамоавий монография. – Тошкент: “ФАН” нашриёти, 2012. – 271 б.
- Мовароуннаҳрда қозилик ҳужжатлари: тарихий илдизлар ва таҳлилий ёндошувлар Монография. – Тошкент: “Тошкент ислом университети нашриёти”, 2014. – 332 б.
- Қозилик маънавияти. Илмий рисола. – Тошкент: “Маънавият”, 2019. – 40 б.
- Бурҳониддин Марғиноний. Илмий рисола. – Тошкент “Ўзбекистон халқаро ислом академияси нашриёт-матбаа бирлашмаси”, 2020. – 16 б.
● Translations.
- Бурҳонуддин Марғиноний “Ҳидоя (Шарҳ бидоятил мубтадий)”. Таржима ва изоҳлар муаллифлари: Аъзамхон Қамбаров (бош таржимон), Акмалжон Икромжонов, т.ф.д. Илҳомжон Бекмирзаев // ўзбек тилига академик таржима. – Тошкент: “Hilol-Nashr”, 1-жилд (Ибодатлар қисми), 2020. – 703 б.
- Бурҳонуддин Марғиноний “Ҳидоя (Шарҳ бидоятил мубтадий)”. Таржима ва изоҳлар муаллифлари: Аъзамхон Қамбаров (бош таржимон), Акмалжон Икромжонов, т.ф.д. Илҳомжон Бекмирзаев // ўзбек тилига академик таржима. – Тошкент: “Hilol-Nashr”, 2-жилд (Ибодатлар қисми), 2020. – 592 б.
- Бурҳонуддин Марғиноний “Ҳидоя (Шарҳ бидоятил мубтадий)”. Таржима ва изоҳлар муаллифлари: Аъзамхон Қамбаров (бош таржимон), Акмалжон Икромжонов, т.ф.д. Илҳомжон Бекмирзаев // ўзбек тилига академик таржима. – Тошкент: “Hilol-Nashr”, 3-жилд (Ибодатлар қисми), 2021. – 608 б.
- Бурҳонуддин Марғиноний “Ҳидоя (Шарҳ бидоятил мубтадий)”. Таржима ва изоҳлар муаллифлари: Аъзамхон Қамбаров (бош таржимон), Акмалжон Икромжонов, т.ф.д. Илҳомжон Бекмирзаев // ўзбек тилига академик таржима. – Тошкент: “Hilol-Nashr”, 4-жилд (Ибодатлар қисми), 2023. – 607 б.
- Ҳусомуддин Садр Шаҳид Бухорий “Ҳайратул Фуқаҳо”. Таржима ва изоҳлар муаллифлари: Илхомжон Бекмирзаев (бош таржимон), Р.Тўхтасинов, А.Камилов // ўзбек тилига академик таржима. – Тошкент: “Qamar Media”, 2022. – 181 б.
Scientific articles:
- Islom Huquqi. Darslik. – Toshkent: “Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti”, 2014. – 339 b.”
- Bekmirzaev I. Sources on the procedural and notarial acts composed in X–XIII centuries in the Muslim world. Тashkent Islamic University. Scientific-analytic bulletin. − Тashkent, 2017. − № 4. – Б. 43-48.
- Bekmirzaev I. Qādī’s dīwān activities in Islam (the 10th-13th centuries). Thе Light of Islam. – Tashkent, 2019. – P. 3-14.
- Бекмирзаев И. Влияние ислама на общественно политическую и духовную жизнь в Центральной Азии. Thе Light of Islam. – Tashkent, 2021. – №1. – P. 4-16.
- Bekmirzaev I. Shurut tradition in the classic mawarannahr hanafi school. Ўзбекистон ислом цивилизацияси маркази. – Тошкент, 2021. – №1. – Б. 31-37.
- Bekmirzaev I. Analyses origins and evolution of Islamic Law. Ўзбекистон ислом цивилизацияси маркази. – Тошкент, 2022. – №4. – Б. 12-16.
- Bekmirzaev I. The Role of Husamuddin Sadr Shahid and Husamuddin Al-Ahsikati's Scientific Heritage in Islamic Jurisprudence. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 5, 2021. https://cibg.org. Р. 1-19.
- Bekmirzaev I. Concepts of Islam and its politicization in Central Asia. World Bulletin of Social Sciences (WBSS) Available Online at: https://www.scholarexpress.net Vol. 17, December, 2022. – P. 10
- Bekmirzaev I. Sirajuddin el-Uşıyın “Fetawa Sırajıyye” eserı Fetawa sahasınde yazılan eserler sevıyesını belırlemeyde önemlı bır kaynak. Қирғизистон республикаси Ўш шаҳрида “Туркия диёнат вақф ишлари” (TIKA) ва Ўш давлат университети Илоҳиёт факультети ҳамкорлигида ўтказилган “Али ибн Усмон Сирожуддин Ўший ҳаёти ва илмий мероси” номли халқаро конференция (2018 йил, 10-12 май). – Б. 435-443.
- Bekmirzaev I. Ozbekistan Cumhuriyeti Bilimler Akademisi el Yazmalari Arshivindeki Hacname El Yazmalarnin Incelenmesi Uzerine – 19. YY Ortasi ve 20. YY Bashi. Turkiye, Karabuk Universitesi 2019 yil 11-12 Ekim, Uluslararasi Cecmishten Gunumuze Karabuk ve Cevresinde Dini, Ilmi ve Kulturel Hayat Sempozyumu: номли илмий-амалий семинар, 2019. Р. 7-16.
- Bekmirzaev I. Ибн Синонинг Қуръони карим оятларини тушинишдаги қарашлари. The Legacy of Ibn Sina Western and Eastern scientists’ approaches, the International conference (August 16th , 2022 / Tashkent, Uzbekistan). – P. 21-25.
International Certificates.
04.17.2018 – Certificate of Hainan CGE Peace Development Foundation
01.10.2007 – Certificate of Germany language proficiency from the Carl Duisberg Language Centre 2007 of Koln, Germany.
01.04.2004 – 01.02.2005 Certificate of Arabic language proficiency from the University of Cairo, Egypt.
05. 10. 2001 – Certificate of basic computer skill (MS Word, Excel, Windows), Tashkent.
1997-1998 – Certificate of English language proficiency from Learning Center under The Uzbek State World Languages University, Tashkent.
Халқаро грантлар.
- A grantee of The Uzbek National "Iste’dod" Foundation to join an international program of Handong Global University, Pohang, the Republic of South Korea (12.12.2005 – 12.02.2006.)
- A grantee of Germany "DAAD" Foundation to join an international program of Albert Ludwig’s University, Freiburg, the Republic of Germany (03.06.2007 – 01.10.2008)
- A grantee of Germany "DAAD" Foundation to join an international program of Albert Ludwig’s University, Freiburg, the Republic of Germany (30.10.2016 – 30.12.2016)
- A grantee of Oxford Islamic Centre foundation to join an international program of Oxford Islamic Centre, Oxford, England (14.04.2022 – 30.06.2022)
- Orator competition winner – organized by the US Open Society Institute. – Tashkent, (2003)
- “Libya Arab Republic President Muammar Kaddafi’s “A Green Book” and his place in socio-political life of Libya” International Scientific Forum winner. – Tashkent, (1997)
- Participant of the IV international scientific conference “Peoples of Eurasia. History, culture and interaction problems”. – Prague, (April 5-6, 2014)
Participant of the international scientific conference “Interconfessional dialogue and religious tolerance – guarantee of stability in society”. – Tashkent, (November 12, 2014)
E-mail: ilhomorient@gmail.com
Phone number +998 71 244 94 70
![]() | Full Name: Saidjalolov Saidafzal Saidkhanbalovich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences Academic title: Research fields: Islamic law, Islamic history and source studies, Islamic studies, jurisprudence Foreign language skills: Russian and Arabic |
Main scientific works:
- “Yangi diniy harakatlar va destruktiv sektalar”. O‘quv qo‘llanma.Toshkent, 2023.
- “Islomdagi yo‘nalishlar va mazhablar”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2021.
- “Dinlardagi oqimlar va sektalar”. O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent, 2023.Маҳмуд Замахшарийнинг ҳуқуқий меросининг ўзига хос жиҳатлари ҳақида. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research .Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 5.685. Volume 3 Issue 6, Part 2 June 2023 ISSN 2181-2888 P. 87-91. www.in-academy.uz. https://www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8103509
- Маҳмуд Замахшарийнинг “Руусул-масаил” асари ягона қўлёзмаси ҳақида. Eurasian Journal of Academic Research .Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 5.685. Volume 3 Issue 6, Part 3 June 2023 ISSN 2181-2020 P.196-200 www.in-academy.uz. https://www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8103470
- Description of hanafism in the scientific heritage of Mahmud Zamakhshari. Scholar's Digest- Journal of Multidisciplinary StudiesVolume 02, Issue 07, July, 2023 ISSN (E): 2949-8856 Scholarsdigest.org P.9-14
- Mahmud Zamaxshariy ilmiy merosining asosiy jihatlari tadqiqi. Islom ziyosi. The Light of Islam, 4-son 2021 yil. –T.: O‘zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi. -B. 22-32.
- Mahmud Zamaxshariy asarlari tasnifiga oid tadqiqotlar tahlili /“Islom tafakkuri” jurnali 4-2021. -T.: O‘zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi, 2021. -B. 19-22.
- Study of the scientific heritage of Mahmud Zamakhshary / Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol 9.No.12. (2021). -P. 973-984.
- Analysis of approaches to the works of Mahmud Zamakhshari / JournalNX-A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No:2581 -4230. Volume 7, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2021 Novateur Publications. -P. 274-278.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: saidafzal@mail.ru
Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 91
![]() | Full Name: Khaydarov Mirodil Mirvaxidovich Academic degree: Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy) in Islamic Studies (2019) Academic title: assistant professor Research fields:Islamic sciences, Islamic law Foreign language skills: Uzbek, Russian, Arabic and English |
- Khaydarov M.M. "A new vector of cooperation in strengthening traditional Muslim spiritual values between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan".// «Мәхәллә» newspaper, Moscow 2017. 2nd edition. p. 2-3
- Khaydarov M.M. "Historical development of the foundations of family law and its principles in the Republic of Uzbekistan" // "The modern Muslim world" journal (журнал «Современный мусульманский мир»), 2019. 2st edition. p. 1-14.
- Khaydarov M.M. "Burhanuddin al-Marghinani: the great Islamic lawyer of Maveraunnahr" // Teachings of Imam al-Bukhari., 2019. 2rd edition. p.12-14.
- Khaydarov M.M. (J.J.Abduqodirov) “Development of pilgrimage tourism in Uzbekistan: cooperation and future plans” // Islamic thought (Islom tafakkuri), 2021. 1st edition. p. 72-75.
- Khaydarov M.M. "International Conference Cooperative Relationships between Islamic Scholars in Uzbekistan and Russia: Past and Present". // Collection of conference materials, Russia, Tatarstan 2021. p. 14-16.
- Khaydarov M.M. (Nurillo Yuldashev) “Poetic narration of the provisions of the Moturid aqida in the work of Alisher Nawai "Siraj-al-muslimin" and its possible modern applications” // Islamic thought (Islom tafakkuri), 2021. Special issue edition. p. 14-18.
- Khaydarov M.M. (M.M.Ismoilov) “The Influence of sufism sources created during the Timurids on the works of subsequent authors” Scopus // Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 6, July 2021 : 6769 – 6772.
- Khaydarov M.M. "Family and values in the contemporary society" // "Islamic civilization in Uzbekistan" journal (O‘zbekistonda islom sivilizatsiyasi), 2021. 3st edition. p. 65-71.
- Khaydarov M.M. “Reforms in the field of education in Uzbekistan” At-Tasavvuf al-Islami, Cairo. 2022. 1st edition. p. 18-20.
- Khaydarov M.M. (J.J.Abduqodirov) “Development factors of pilgrimage tourism in the member states of the islamic cooperation organization (in the examples of indonesia, malaysia and turkey)” The Light of Islam (Islom ziyosi), 2022. 1st edition. p. 127-134.
- Khaydarov M.M. “The importance of cooperation between centers for issuing fatwas among the Turkish peoples: Problems and Solutions” // Islamic thought (Islom tafakkuri), 2022. 4th edition. p. 21-24.
- Khaydarov M.M. "Cooperation between Islamic scholars of Uzbekistan and Russia" // Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume 13, December, 2022. p.184-187.
- Khaydarov M.M. "The history and necessity of following the four madhhabs" // Teachings of Imam al-Bukhari., 2023. 1th edition. p.69-73.
- Khaydarov M.M. "The value of teaching subjects in religious studies in the development of a sense of patriotism among youth" // Teachings of Imam al-Bukhari., 2023. 3rd edition. p.93-95.
- Khaydarov M.M. "The influence of pilgrim tourism on the psychology of youth” // Central Asian Journal Of Social Sciences And History Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | Jun 2023. p.84-87
- Khaydarov M.M. Marriage and Divorce between Sharia and Uzbek law according to the Hanafi school.// Monograph (written in arabic) // Al-Maktaba Al-Azharia, Egypt, 2020. p. 143.
- Khaydarov M.M. (I.Bekmirzaev, Sh.Umaraliev) “Islamic law and methodology”. Teaching aid // “Qamar-media” publication house, Tashkent, 2021. p. 400.
- Khaydarov M.M. (N.Yusupova, B.Mamadiev) “Specific principles of gender equality in Islam”. Study guide // “Complex Print” publication house, Tashkent, 2021. p. 239.
- Khaydarov M.M. (group of authors) Fundamentals of ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment. Study guide / International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan publication house, 2021. p. 190.
- Khaydarov M.M. (I.Ubaydullaev, R.Makhsumhonov) “Recitation of the Qur'an and the science of tajweed”. Study guide // “Ilm-Ziyo-Zakovat” publication house, Tashkent, 2021. p. 52.
- 2020, 25-30 October. Tatarstan (Russia). II International Forum "Theological heritage of muslims of Russia", held at the Bulgarian Islamic Academy: “International Conference Cooperative Relationships between Islamic Scholars in Uzbekistan and Russia: Past and Present.
- 2021, 16 June. Tashkent (Uzbekistan). International online scientific-practical symposium named “Maturidiyya teaching and present” organized by Imam Maturidi international scientific and research center.
- 2021, 17 June. Almaty (Kazakhstan). International scientific-practical webinar “Public lecture” series in the framework of the 30 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
- 2021, 09 October. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). International online symposium named “Family and Values” organized by Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University / Kyrgyzstan.
- 2021, 25-30 October. Tatarstan (Russia). III International Forum "Theological heritage of muslims of Russia", held at the Bulgarian Islamic Academy: “The influence of pilgrim tourism on the psychology of youth”
- 2021, 03 November. Tashkent (Uzbekistan). International online scientific-practical conference named “Problems of understanding islam in the process of globalization” organized by International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. “Problems in family relations in Muslim societies: causes and solutions”.
Islamic law.
Legal regulations of marriage and divorce in Islam.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: mirodil.uz@mail.ru
Office phone number: +99871 244 00 56
![]() |
Full Name: Jumaniyazova Mokhira Shuxrat qizi Academic degree: not Academic title: not Research fields: Philosophical analysis of issues of gender equality in Islamic law, history of philosophy, ideology. Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- Oila tarbiyasida ayollarning o‘rni - “Milliy va ma’naviy qadriyatlarning yuksalishida ayollarning o‘rni” mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya. Toshkent: “Toshkent islom universiteti” NMB, 2015.-B. 79-81;
- Ayol baxti-jamiyat baxti - “Озод ва обод юрт бунёдкори”номли конференция. Тошкент: “Тошкент ислом университети” НМБ, 2017,- Б. 122-124;
- Jadidchilik ta’limoti ilmiy merosidagi madaniyat mavzusining falsafiy kontekstidagi tahlili - “Zamonaviy falsafaning dolzarb masalalari: nazariya va amaliyot uyg‘unligi” mavzusidagi ilmiy- amaliy konferensiya, Toshkent: 2018. - B. 110-112;
- Jadid namoyondalarining tarbiya va oilaviy masalalariga doir o‘ziga xos qarashlari - “Talaba-yoshlar ma’naviy-axloqiy ongini shakllantirishning ijtimoiy-falsafiy xususiyatlari” mavzusidagi konferensiya. Toshkent: 2018.-B. 274-276;
- Bugungi kun yoshlari va ularda huquqiy madaniyat shakllanishida ijtimoiy institutlarning roli va ahamiyati – Konstitutsiya Respubliki Uzbekistan nauka, obrazovaniye I vospitaniye molodyoji, nauchno – praktichesko seminara, posvyavdennogo 27-letiyu Konstitutsii Respubliki Uzbekistan. Toshkent: 2019, -B. 41-43.
- “Rahbari najot” asarida ilm olish afzalliklari masalasi - Islom tafakkuri ilmiy -ma’rifiy, diniy-madaniy, axborot nashri, Toshkent: “Uzbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi” nashriyot- matbaa birlashmasi, 2019. -B. 61-63.
- Views of Enlighteners on the Problem of the Family and the Role of a Woman in Uzbekistan - International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding http://ijmmu.com editor@ijmmu.com ISSN 2364-5369 Volume 9, Issue 12 December, 2022 Pages: 374-379.
- Ma’rifatparvar jadidlarning oila va unda xotin-qizlar o‘rni masalasiga oid fikr- mulohazalari - Islom tafakkuri ilmiy -ma’rifiy, diniy-madaniy, axborot nashri,Toshkent: “Uzbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi” nashriyot- matbaa birlashmasi, 2022.-B. 97-101.
- Socio-philosophical analysis of the position of womens in the new Uzbekistan - Journal of social research in Uzbekistan journal homepage: https://topjournals.uz/index.php/jsru.
- Abdurauf Fitratning “Rahbari najot” asari va uning zamonaviy falsafiy talqini - Islom tafakkuri ilmiy-ma’rifiy, diniy-madaniy, axborot nashri, Toshkent: “Uzbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi” nashriyot- matbaa birlashmasi, 2023.-B. 88-93.
- Yangi O‘zbekistonda xotin-qizlar bilan bog'liq munosabatlarning ijtimoiy-falsafiy tahlili - Reallikning raqamli transformatsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar nomli ilmiy-amali Konferensiya T-2023; 72-76 b.
- Анализ темы культуры в научном наследии современных мыслителей средней азии конца XIX–начала XX веков в философском контексте -
СОВРЕМЕННАЯ НАУКА: АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ, ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ И ИННОВАЦИИ: сборник статей XXVII Международной научно-практической конференции. В 2 ч. Ч. 1.–Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение». –2022. 133-135 c.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: moxirajumaniyazova@gmail.com
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Rajabov Shuxratjon Sheraliyevich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophical Sciences (PhD) Academic title: not Research fields: Transformation of personal aesthetic needs in cyberspace. 09.00.02 – Philosophy of consciousness, culture and forms of practice. Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- Rajabov Sh. Sh. Cyberspace: development and crisis // Actual problems of modern science, education and upbringing. – Khorezm, 2019. – No. 1. – B.246-252 (09.00.00; No. 19).
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. The human factor in cyberspace: its impact on aesthetic education // NamDU scientific newsletter. – Namangan, 2019. - #4. – B. 126-131 (09.00.00; #24).
- Rajabov Sh. Sh. Transformation of Cyberspace: socio-philosophical analysis // Actual problems of modern science, education and upbringing. – Khorezm, 2020. – No. 4. – B.228-234 (09.00.00; No. 19).
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. Formation of personal aesthetic needs in cyberspace. // Scientific newsletter of NamSU. – Namangan, 2020. - #12. – B. 234-239 (09.00.00; #24).
- Rajabov Sh. Sh. The harmony of the aesthetic needs of the individual in Cyberspace with the philosophy of sophistication. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. India, 2021. - #11. – R. 209-213 (No. 11; SJIF, 6.79).
- Rajabov Sh. Sh. Transformation of aesthetic needs of person in cyberspace // Science, Research, development #25: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. - Berlin, 2020. - No. 11. - P. 309-312.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. Aesthetic characteristics of marketing in cyberspace // Current issues of social and humanitarian sciences: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. -Tashkent, 2022. -B. 438-445.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. Harmony of personal aesthetic needs in cyberspace with the philosophy of elegance in cyberspace // Uzbekistan in international rankings: effectiveness of socio-economic reforms, problems and solutions: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Tashkent, 2021. - #11. - R. 221-225.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. The influence of cyber-extremism on aesthetic thinking // National foundations of the development of aesthetic education in the process of reforming and modernizing society: Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference. -Tashkent, 2018. -B. 284-286.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. Aesthetic needs and Cyberspace // Current issues of ethics and aesthetics. Proceedings of the republican scientific-practical conference. #4. - Tashkent, 2020. B - 441.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh., Tulyaev A.I., Muhamedjanova L., Agzamova N., Kadirova D., Alimov S. Formation of Cyber Space, protecting youth from the danger of cyber extremism // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. – India, 2019. - No. 2S4/8 – R. 612-616 (No. 3; GIF, 1.69).
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. Analysis of aesthetic needs in cyberspace // UzA electronic magazine. -Tashkent, 2020.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. The negative impact of cyber-extremism on moral attitudes // Current issues of ethics and aesthetics: Periodic collection. UzMU. -Tashkent, 2017. -B. 207-210.
- Rajabov Sh.Sh. The negative impact of cyber-extremism on human morality and sophistication // Current issues of ethics and aesthetics: Periodical collection.–Tashkent: UzMU, 2019. -№3. -B. 184-189.
Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vUOiEGAAAAAJ&hl=ru
Email address: shuxrat_rajabov@gmail.com
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Mamazova Zarifa Kurbanovna Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Law Academic title: No Research fields: Islamic law, human rights, legal education and upbringing Foreign language skills: Russian |
Main scientific works:
- Huquqiy statistika.Uslubiy qo‘llanma. Toshkent, 2016 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)
- Muommoli vaziyatlarda talabalarda huquqiy kompetentlikni shakillantirish mexanizmi. Toshkent, 2023. (In Uzbek).
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: zarifa.mamazova@bk.ru
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Avazova Shoira Tokhtamuratovna Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Law Academic title: No Research fields: Islamic law, human rights, legal education and upbringing Foreign language skills: Russian |
Main scientific works:
- O‘zbekiston Konstitutsiyasi fanini kasbiy sohalarga yo‘naltirib o‘qitish metodikasi. Uslubiy qo‘llanma. Toshkent, 2012 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)
- Huquqshunoslik fanini kasbiy sohalarga yo‘naltirib o‘qitish metodikasi. Uslubiy qo‘llanma. Toshkent, 2012 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek)
- Oila huquqi fanidan elektron darslik. Elektron darslik. Toshkent, 2015. (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek).
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: asht201817@gmail.com
Office phone number:
+998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Valiev Batir Nosirovich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophi Academic title: assistant professor Research fields: Social philosophy, cultural theory and history, philosophy of religion, political philosophy and ideological processes. Foreign language skills: Russian and English(using a dictionary) |
Main scientific works:
- Иқтисодий маданият ва уни шакллантириш омиллари.// Т.: ТИУ нашриёт-матбаа бирлашмаси, 2008.- 152 б.
- Сиёсатшунослик: саволлар ва жавоблар. (Университет талабалари учун ўқув қўлланма). Т.: ТИУ нашриёт-матбаа бирлашмаси, 2008. -90 б. (Акмалов Ш., Қўшаев У. -ҳаммуаллиф)
- Толерантность как парадигма современного мира.// Modern science in the 21 centure: main problems and stajes of development. Collection of international scientific articles. Volume 1. RU SCIENCE, Moscow, 2017. 191-194p.
- Ижтимоий-фалсафий назария ривожланишининг ҳозирги давр хусусиятлари ва тенденциялари.// Ислом тафаккури, 2020 йил 1-сони. 83-88 б.
- Особенности развития современной западной философии религии. // Islom tafakkuri. 2021-yil 2-son. 120-126 b.
- Adolat – global hamjamiyatning diniy va dunyoviy qadriyati. //Islom tafakkuri. 2022-yil 1-son. 58-61 b.
- Philosophi and Social Sciences.// International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Enjineering ||Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2021 || p.6628-6630
- THE RELIGION OF CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE POLITICS // European Scholar Journal (ESJ) Available Online at: https://www.scholarzest.com, Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2021, ISSN: 2660-5562. 54-56 Page.
- THE RELIGIOUS PRACTICES OF THE POPULATION IN CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES AND THE MISCONCEPTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH RELIGION // Proceedings of Global Technovation, 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, Hosted from Paris, France, https://conferencepublication.com February 27th 2021, 73-75 Page.
- The Impact of the Media on the Muslim Image Forming in Modern World. // Central Asian journal of social sciencis and histori. May 2022. P. 171-178.
- Роль и значение религиозного сознания в жизни общества. // Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences. Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor. VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 12 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947. ASI Factor = 1.7 | December 2022. www.oriens.uz291-296.
- “Kundalik va konseptual darajalarda diniy ongning kishilar hayotidagi roli”// Islom tafakkuri. 2023-yil 1-maxsus son. 6 bet.
- Modern Development Trends of Socio-Philosophical Theory // EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIFE SAFETY AND STABILITY (EJLSS) ISSN 2795-7365 www.ejlss.indexedresearch.org Volume 24, December-2022 || P/ 75-79
- Structure and Specific Characteristics of Economic Culture in Historical Development. // Eurasian Scientific Herald ISSN2795-7365 www.geniusjournals.org Volume 20 May, 2023 || P/ 140-144
- Дин психологиясини ўқитишнинг инновацион методлари (услубий қўлланма). Т.: Янги аср авлоди, 2013.- 84 б. (Расулов А. ҳаммуаллиф)
- Дин психологияси: ўқув қўлланма. (Валиев Б., Маматов М. Ва бошқ.).
Т.: Мовароуннаҳр, 2014. -312 б.
- Дин фалсафаси: ўқув қўлланма. Т.:ТИУ НМБ, 2015. 172 б. 9 б.т. (Ачилдиев А.Кушаев У. Каримов Ж. ҳаммуаллифлар)
- “Фалсафа” ўқув курсининг “Мантиқ” фанига оид мавзуларини ўрганиш бўйича ўқув-услубий қўлланма. Тошкент: ЎзХИА, 2020й. -165 б.
- Falsafa asoslari. (O’rta maxsus islom ta’lim muassasalari uchun o’quv qo’llanma). T.: “Shamsiddinxon Boboxonov” NMIU 2022, 187 bet. (Қаххарова М., Хўжаев М., Исакжанов Р. ҳаммуаллифлар)
- Философия религии. Учебное пособие. (Часть I). Т., ЎзХИА, 2022.
- Философия религии. Учебное пособие. (Часть II). Т., ЎзХИА, 2023.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: valiev@iiau.uz
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Karimova Dilafruz Ravshanovna Academic degree: Doctor of Sciences Academic title: assistant professor Research fields: Children's Rights, Human Rights, Theory and History of the State and Law, History of Legal Doctrines, Civil Law, Family Law. Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- O‘zbekiston hududida bola huquqlari genezisi va evolyutsiyasi. Monografiya. T.: «Toshkent islom universiteti» nashriyoti, 2014. (In Uzbek)
- O‘zbekistonda bolalarning huquqiy savodxonlik darajasini o‘rganish va ularda huquqiy madaniyatni shakllantirish masalalari . T.: «Toshkent islom universiteti” nashriyoti, 2013. (In Uzbek)
- O‘rta Osiyoda bola huquqlarining shakllanishi . T.: «Toshkent islom universiteti» nashriyoti, 2012. (In Uzbek)
- O’zbekistonda bola manfaatlarining huquqiy asoslari. BBK: 825.222.2, UDK: 333.225.114, Dilafruz Karimova Ravshanovna. O‘zbekistonda bola manfaatlarini ta’minlashning huquqiy asoslari [Matn]. D.R.Karimova – Toshkent: “Ilm-ziyozakovat” nashriyoti, 2023. – 78 bet. (In Uzbek)
- Axborot xavfsizligining huquqiy asoslari [Matn] : о‘quv qo‘llanma / D. Karimova.-Toshkent: "Complex Print",2021.-376 b. (In Uzbek)
- Kredit-modul tizimida mustaqil ta’lim. Kredit-modul tizimida mustaqil ta’lim: uslubiy qo‘llanma. - Toshkent: OOO "Complex Print",2021. (In Uzbek)
- Axborot xavfsizligining huquqiy asoslari fanidan referat tayyorlash bo‘yicha uslubiy qo‘llanma.- Toshkent: OOO "Complex Print",2022. (In Uzbek)
- Правовые основы свободы совести в узбекистане International Bulletin Of Applied Science And Technology, 3(9), (2023). 272–275. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8379498. (In Russian)
- The concept of “Child” and its historical and legal description. Cuestiones Políticas, 40(74), 863-879. https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4074.48. (In English) (Co-authored) and others.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: afruza@ro.ru
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Aripova Zukhra Djaxangirovna Workplace: Head of the Department "Uzbek Language and Classical Oriental Literature", Doctor of History (DSc), Associate Professor Academic degree: Doctor of History (DSc) Academic title: dotsent Research fields: Arabic language and literature, history of Arab countries, Islamic history and source studies, international relations. Foreign language skills: Arabik, Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
– Arab tilidan boshlang‘ich kurslar uchun fonetik diktant to‘plami – T.: “Toshkent islom universiteti” nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi, 2011.(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek)
– Arab tilidan klassik matnlar. O‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma – T. : “Toshkent islom universiteti” nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi, 2011. – 64 b. (In Uzbek)
– Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari yo‘nalishi talabalariga arab tilidan o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma. – T. : “Toshkent islom universiteti” nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi, 2012. – 72 b.; (In Uzbek)
–Psixilogiya yo‘nalishi talabalariga arab tilini o‘qitish bo‘yicha o‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent: TIU nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi. 2015 (In Uzbek)
– Sharq tillari (arab) o‘quv qo‘llanma. “Tafakkur bo‘stoni”, 2018 yil, Toshkent.-256b. (In Uzbek)
– Mamluk sultonlari hukmronligi davrida Misr (1250-1517) monogafiya. T.:Navro‘z nashriyoti, 2019, 172 b. (In Uzbek)
– Asosiy chet tili(arab). (1 kurs uchun)// Darslik – T.: Zamon poligraf, 2020. – 258 b. (hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek)
– Asosiy chet tili(arab). (2 kurs uchun)// Darslik – T.: Zamon poligraf, 2021. – 262 b. (hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek)
– Mamluk sultonlari davlat boshqaruvida Abbosiy xalifalarning o‘rni, monografiya. – Toshkent: «Lesson press» nashriyoti, 2021. 150 b. (In Uzbek)
– Sohaga oid arab tili (AXB yo‘nalishi uchun)// O‘quv qo‘llanma. – T.: Zamon poligraf, 2022. (In Uzbek)
–Sohaga oid arab tili (AXB yo‘nalishi uchun)// Darslik. – T.: Zamon poligraf, 2023. (In Uzbek)
Scientific works link: https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR200348/9982/
Email address: aripova.zuxra@mail.ru
phone number: +99890322454
![]() | Full Name: Akmalxanov Akmalxon Ahmad o‘g‘li Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Filology Sciences Academic title: - Research fields: Linguistics Foreign language skills: Arabic, English languages |
Main scientific works:
- Abu Ya’qub Sakkokiy ishtiqoq san’ati haqida. ToshDSHI “Sharq mash’ali”, 4/2018. 37-44- betlar.
- Arab tilshunosligi tarixida so‘z yasalishi haqidagi qarashlar. ToshDSHI “Sharqshunoslik”, 4/2018. 124-132 betlar.
- Abu Ya’qub Sakkokiyning “ziyoda” harf o‘rinlari haqidagi qarashlari. UrDU “Ilm sarchashmalari”. 6/2019. 110-114 betlar.
- Abu Ya’qub Sakkokiy “lām”, “mīm”, “vāv” harflarning so‘zdagi o‘rni haqidagi qarashlari. O‘zDJTU. “O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar”. 2/2019. 30-37 betlar.
Scientific works link:
Email address: akmalxonovibnahmad.@gmail.com
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Sagdullayeva Dilfuza Karimullayevna Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences Academic title: acting assistant professor Research fields: linguistics (arabic language), classical oriental language and sourse study. Foreign language skills: Arabic, Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
PhD. diss. topic: Structural-semantic study of Arabic sentences and borrowings in the work of “Qisasi Rabguzi”. – T., 2021.
1. Sagdullaeva D.K. The lexical groups of Arabic loanwords used in the «Qisasi Rabguzi» // Islom ziyosi. – Toshkent, 2018. – № 4. – B. 39-44 (10.00.00; № 7), (24.00.00; № 17).
2. Sagdullayeva D.K. Rabg‘uziyning «Sulaymon bin Dovud alayhi-s-salom qissasi»dagi arabiy o‘zlashmalarning morfologik xususiyatlari // Buxoro davlat universiteti ilmiy axboroti. – Buxoro, 2019. – № 2. – B. 84-89 (10.00.00; № 1).
3. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida qo‘llangan sintaktik vositalar // Imom Buxoriy saboqlari. – Samarqand, 2019. – № 4. – B. 113-115 (24.00.02; № 13).
4. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida qo‘llangan arabiy o‘zlashmalarning tematik tasnifi // O‘zMU xabarlari. – Toshkent, 2019. –
№ 1/1. – B. 168-174 (10.00.00; № 15), (24.00.00; № 18).
5. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asaridagi arabiy birikmalarning sintaktik tahlili // Islom ziyosi. –Toshkent, 2020. – № 1. – B. 177-184 (10.00.00; № 7), (24.00.00; № 17).
6. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida keltirilgan tarixiy shaxslar va islom ulamolari xususida // Islom tafakkuri. – Toshkent, 2020. – № 2. – B. 106-109 (24.00.00; № 17).
7. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asaridagi forsiy elementlar yordamida hosil bo‘lgan arabiy o‘zlashmalar // Xorijiy filologiya: til, adabiyot, ta’lim ilmiy jurnali. – Samarqand, 2020. – № 2. – B. 112-115 (10.00.00; № 10).
8. Sagdullaeva D.K. The methods of meaning transfer of Arabic loanwords in «Qisasi Rabguzi» // ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal https://saarj.com. e-ISSN:2249-7137 India Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2020. – P. 2174-2179 (Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13; № 23).
9. Sagdullaeva D.K. Methodology for studying the verses of the Holy Qur`an in «Qisasi Rabguzi». Turkic online journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI).Volume 6, July 2021. – P. 6683-6688 (https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101019739).
10. Сагдуллаева Д.К. О денотативной систематизации некоторых слов арабского происхождения в тюркоязычном произведении «Кисаси Рабгузи» // Языки и культуры народов России и мира. Материалы докладов I международной научной конференции. – Махачкала, 2019. – C. 353-358.
11. Сагдуллаева Д.К. Использование некоторых квазипричастий арабского происхождения в произведение «Кисаси Рабгузи» // Monografia pokonferensyjna. Science, research, development. № 25. – Berlin, 2020. – С. 100-102.
12. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asaridagi oyatlarning nasriy matnda qo‘llash xususiyatlari // Dinshunoslikning dolzarb muammolari. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari. – Toshkent, 2020. – B. 160-161.
13. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida qo‘llangan arabiy hikmatlar // Ona tili – millat ko‘zgusi. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari. – Toshkent, 2020. – B. 357-360.
14. Sagdullaeva D.K. The morphological peculiarities of Arabic loanwords in «The stories of prophets» by Rabguzi // International scientific journal. – Philadelphia, USA issue 09, volume 77 published 29.09.2019. – P. 138-141 (Impact Factor: ISJI 2019 = 7,716).
15. Sagdullaeva D.K. The classification and definition of Arabic proper nouns used in the work of «The stories of prophets» by Rabghuzy// Obщyestvennыye i gumanitarnыye nauki. Materialы dokladov 84-y nauchno-texnicheskoy mejdunarodnoy konferensii. – Minsk, 2020. – S. 383-386.
16. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida islom tarixiy shaxslariga oid ba’zi antroponimlar // Dinshunoslikning dolzarb muammolari. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari. – Toshkent, 2019. – B. 111-112.
17. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida iqtibos san’atining qo‘llanilishi // Yosh olimlarning ilmiy maqolalari to‘plami. – Toshkent, 2019. – B. 206-213.
18. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida qo‘llangan arabiy sifatlovchi aniqlovchili birikmalar tahlili // O‘zbek mumtoz adabiyotini o‘rganishning nazariy va manbaviy asoslari. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. – Toshkent, 2019. – B. 221-225.
19. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida turkiy fe’l hosil qilishda qo‘llangan arabcha masdarlar // Tarjima va madaniyat: muammolar, yechimlar, stragetiyalar. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari. – Toshkent, 2020. – B. 152-156.
20. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» va «Tarixi anbiyo va hukamo» asarlarida keltirilgan oyatlar tahlili // O‘zbek filologiyasining dolzarb muammolari: talqin va tahlillar. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari. – Jizzax, 2020. – B. 118-120.
21. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asarida turkiy fe’l yasashda qo‘llangan arabiy o‘zlashmalar // Ubaydulla Uvatov – manbashunoslik va hadisshunoslik darg‘asi. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi materiallari to‘plami. – Toshkent, 2021. – B. 160-165.
22. Sagdullayeva D.K. «Qisasi Rabg‘uziy» asaridagi arabcha leksema-larning turkiy tildagi talqini xususida. Islom sivilizatsiyasi rivojida allomalar merosining o‘rni. Yosh olimlar III ilmiy-amaliy to‘plami. – Toshkent, 2021. – B. 34-37.
23. Sagdullayeva D.K. Linguoculturology as a new trend in linguistic study. Intellektual salohiyat – taraqqiyot mezoni. Ilmiy maqolalar to‘plami. – Toshkent, 2022. – B. 399- 402.
24. Sagdullaeva D.K. The thematical classification of Arabic proper nouns used in the work of «The stories of prophets» by Rabghuzy // Web of scientist: international scientific journal research journal. – Indonesia. ISSN: 2776-0979, Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan., 2022. – P. 901-904 (Impact Factor: 7.565) and etc.
Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations? user=TYRtteMAAAAJ&hl=ru
Email address: d.sagdullayeva@iiau.uz
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
Full Name: Lutfullayeva Durdona Esonovna
Academic degree: Department of Uzbek language and classical oriental literature of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.
Academic degree: doktor of philological sciences.
Scientific title: professor.
Research fields: associative linguistics, pragmalinguistics, psycholinguistics, semantic syntax
Foreign language skills: Russian and German (using a dictionary).
Main scientific works:
– Тасдиқ гапларда шаклий-мазмуний номувофиқлик. - Тошкент: Фан, 1997. – 32 б.
– Гапни семантик-синтактик қолиплаштириш асослари. (Монография) - Тошкент: Фан, 2005. – 138 б.
– «Гап қурилиш қолипи ва пропозитив структураси ўртасидаги муносабат. (Ўқув қўлланма) - Тошкент: ТДПУ, 2008. – 155 б.
– Ўзбек тилининг амалий грамматикаси. Ўқув қўлланма. (ҳаммуаллифликда). -Тошкент: Янги аср авлоди, 2010. – 163 б.
– Тасдиқ гапларда имплицит негативлик. (Монография) - Тошкент: ТДПУ, 2015. – 95 б.
– Ассоциатив тилшунослик назарияси. Монография. - Тошкент: Мериус, 2017. – 140 б.
– Лисоний зиддият ва нейтраллашув. Монография (ҳаммуаллифликда). -Тошкент: Наврўз, 2018. – 110 б.
– “Hozirgi oʻzbek adabiy тili”. O’quv qo’llanma. (ҳаммуаллифликда). - Toshkent: «Iqtisod-moliya», 2018. – 280 б.
– Oʻzbek tilining assotsiativ lugʻati (milliy-madaniy birliklar). (ҳаммуаллифликда). - Toshkent: ««NAVOIY UNIVERSITETI» nashriyot-natbaa uyi. 2019. – 380 б.
– Мустақиллик даври расмий идоравий иш услуби тараққиёти. Монография. -Тошкент: Нодирабегим нашриёти, 2020. – 105 б.
– “Hozirgi oʻzbek adabiy тili”. O’quv qo’llanma. (ҳаммуаллифликда). - Toshkent: «Excellent Polygraphy-moliya», 2020. – 280 б.
– O‘zbek tilida nom yaratish texnologiyasi (tadbirkorlik faoliyati obyektlari, korxona, firma, iste’mol tovarlari nomlari) Монография. -(ҳаммуаллифликда). Toshkent. 2021. – 114 б.
– Aнтропоцентрик тилшунослик: тушунча ва терминлар. Монография. (ҳаммуаллифликда). Тошкент: “TUBO NASHR”, 2022. – 184 б.
Research papers link:
Email address: 1965ddd@mail.ru
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
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