Modern information and communication technologies
"Modern information and communication technologies" department
About the Department of "Modern Information and Communication Technologies" of the "Islamic Economy and International Relations" Faculty of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
The department of "Informatics and natural sciences" was established by the order of the rector of Tashkent Islamic University No. 01-29 dated August 28, 2001, within the faculty of "Jurisprudence, economics and natural sciences".
From October 2, 2004, the Department of "Informatics and Information Technology" began to operate separately. The department has trained undergraduate specialists in the field of "Informatics and Information Technologies".
From August 3, 2018, the department was named "Modern Information and Communication Technologies" department. Today, the department is responsible for two undergraduate majors and one master's major:
- 5330200 — Informatics and information technologies;
- 5220400 — Information security management;
- 5220400 - Information security management;
- 60610500- Computer engineering ("Computer engineering", "IT-Service", "Information security", "Multimedia technologies")
- 5А220401 - Information security management.
Future personnel who are expected to become specialists in the department will serve in enterprises and organizations in providing computer services, localization and production of computer programs, in scientific research institutions and other state and non-state enterprises. Also, software security programmer, service provider, software developer, IT entrepreneur, cyber security system analyst, mobile application developer, web developer, industry researcher, information service and press services they have the same qualifications as a designer.
Currently, the main staff of the department are doctors of science, professors, candidates of science, associate professors, Ph.D. (Phd), senior teachers are working. Kafedra tomonidan The department conducts lectures, practice and laboratory training in the following subjects at the Academy:
• Introduction to information security management
• Programming
• Designing algorithms
• Programming in Python
• Computer animation
• Multimedia engineering
• Fundamentals of cyber security
• Ethical hacking (Cultural hacking)
• Data structure and algorithms
• Management of servers
• Computer forensics
• Cloud technologies
• Fundamentals of cyber security
• Infographic data visualization
• Introduction to Web Programming I
• Operating systems and their security
• Cyber Security Policy
• Methods of cryptography and cryptanalysis I
• Methods of cryptography and cryptanalysis II
• Internet and PR
• Security of information transmission system and networks I
• Kotlin programming language
• Web programming in Python
• Social networks and blogs on the Internet
• Digital media and web technologies
• Information security in database management systems
• Computer graphics and web design
• Fundamentals of artificial intelligence
• Cyber security processes and technologies
• Kotlin programming language
• Data structure and algorithms
• Web programming in Python
• Java programming language
• Media projects on the Internet
• Programming II
• Introduction to Web Programming II
• Fundamentals of cyber security
• Programming in Python
• Computer animation
• Multimedia engineering
• Fundamentals of cyber security
• Computer forensics
• Java programming language
• Digital technologies and innovation
• Digital information technologies
• Application of information technologies in the field
• Introduction to information security management
• Programming
• Introduction to information security management
• Digital information technologies
Professors and teachers of the department regularly take an active part in the scientific and practical conferences held in our republic. Roundtable discussions and trainings are being held with partner organizations. During 2018-2023, the members of the department published 15 monographs, more than 40 scientific journals, 20 educational methodical manuals, 30 training manuals, more than 130 national-level articles, international scientific and technical information such as Scopus, Web of Science, etc. More than 32 articles were published in the indexed journals and about 127 articles in foreign journals. More than 55 software products were developed by professors and teachers of the department and talented students, and certificates for EHM programs were obtained by the Intellectual Property Agency.
Clubs are organized in the department in order to further improve the knowledge of students in their specialty. They are:
• Object-oriented approach in practical and systematic programming;
• Android application development;
• "Office applications" for non-informatics students;
• Robotics (in the process of implementation);
• Computer graphics and infographics
• Programming in Python
The department developed a "Roadmap" for further improvement of the infrastructure of innovative activities, and innovative groups were established according to it. Work is being done by innovative groups and their leaders. Including:
- Geolocation system of Uzbekistan Pilgrimage Tourism Android platform in regions;
- An improved software complex named "Muqaddamat-ul-adab" was developed;
- a foreign (Arabic, English) language learning program using digital objects in interactive systems, etc.;
The department has established cooperation relations with the following organizations:
- “O‘zbektelekom” AK;
- “Fido Biznes” MCHJ
- O‘zbekiston Respublikasi soliq qo’mitasi
- O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fanlar akademiyasi;
- Abu Rayxon Beruniy nomidagi Sharqshunoslik instituti;
- Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti;
- Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti huzuridagi Axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiyalar ilmiy-innovatsion markazi;
- O‘zstandart agentligi;
- “Devops” MCHJ;
- “Xalq banki” ATB;
- Islom sivilizatsiya markazi;
- “Simplex Service Group” MCHJ;
- “Data Site Technology” MCHJ;
- O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prokuraturasining Axborot ta’minoti bo‘limi;
- Hamkorbank ATB;
- Turon ATB
- “Oson” to‘lov tizimi.
The department has established cooperation relations with the following international universities and organizations:
• Tashkent branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
• International Islamic University of Malaysia;
• Tashkent branch of Inha University;
• JICA International Cooperation Agency of Japan;
• Malaysian Institute of Islamic Awareness.
| Full Name: Rakhmanov Kurbon Sodikovich Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences Academic title: dotsent Research fields: system analysis, information management and processing, software, information systems and their security, basics of artificial intelligence Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
– “Davlat xizmatchilarini qayta tayyorlash va malakasini oshirish jarayonlarini monitoring qilish model va algoritmlari”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023 (in co-authorship) (In Uzbek);
– “Kibermakonda axborot xavfsizligini ta’minlash”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2023 (In Uzbek);
– “Dasturlash I” Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023 (in co-authorship) (In Uzbek);
– “Masofaviy ta’lim texnologiyalari”. Uslubiy ko’rsatma, Toshkent, 2023 (in co-authorship) (In Uzbek);
– “Dasturlash II” Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023 (In Uzbek);
– “Axborot xavfsizligini boshqarishga kirish”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2022 (in co-authorship) (In Uzbek);
– “Obyektlarda axborot xavfsizligini boshqarish tizimini yaratish metodologiyasi”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2022 (in co-authorship) (In Uzbek).
Scientific works link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36651380900
Email address: q.raxmanov@iiau.uz
![]() | Full Name: Dadamuxamedov Alimjon Irgashevich Academic degree: - Academic title: - Research fields: Ensuring the reliability of information in distributed databases, models and algorithms for optimal representation Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- “Internetda ijtimoiy tarmoqlar va bloglar”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023;
- “Internet va PR”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2022;
- “Internet va PR”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020;
- “Veb dasturlash”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020;
- Irgashevich, D. A. (2020). Development of national network (tas-ix). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 144-151.
- Irgashevich, D. A. (2020). Methods of using cloud technologies in Islamic education institutions. Methods, 7(5).
- Alimjon, D. (2023). Problems of Reliable and Timely Delivery of Information on the Servers. Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 19, 35-41.
Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gX5ntHoAAAAJ&hl=ru
Email address: a.dadamuxamedov@iiau.uz
Office phone number: ++998 71 244 00 42
![]() | Full Name: Tuxtanazarov Dilmurod Solijonovich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences Academic title: assistant professor Research fields: mathematical modeling of production processes in mining, numerical solution and software development Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- “Operatsion tizimlar”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020;
- “Web dasturlash”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2021;
- “Internet va Pr Darslik”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2022 (hammualliflikda);
- “Dasturlash I”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023 (hammualliflikda);
- “Python tilida dasturlash”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023 (hammualliflikda);
- Model and algorithm for solving one-dimensional two-phase of filtration task // “International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2019 Applications, Trends and Opportunities” Tashkent, November 4-6 ICISCT 2019
- Software for Determining Residual Oil Reserves in Oil Deposit Development // International Conference: Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water Resourses Engineering, 2020;
- Algorithmization and programming of fluid filtration problems in multiple seams by intermediate model // Hisoblash va amaliy matematika muammolari. Tashkent- 2020, №6(30), S.14-23
- Computational algorithm and program for determining the indicators of wells based on processing of information of oil fields. // AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 060021 (2022) and etc.
Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GGD91iAAAAAJ&hl=ru
Email address: dtxtanazarov@gmail.uz
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Maxkamov Anvarjon Abdujabborovich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences Academic title: assistant professor Research fields: preliminary processing of images, separation of representative signs characterizing images, recognition of a person based on biometric parameters Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- “Tasvirlarga raqamli ishlov berish”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020;
- “Tasvirlarga dastlabki ishlov berish algoritmlari”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023 (hammualliflikda);
- “Infografik ma’lumotlar vizualizatsiyasi” Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023;
- Shaxsni tanib olish masalasida tasvirdagi obyekt belgilarini ajratish algoritmlari //O‘zbekiston jurnali “Islom tafakkuri”. – Toshkent, 1-son, 2021, 172-175 b.
- Experimental study of algorithms for ear images distribution in personal identity // Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022, P. 813-822. (hammualliflikda).
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: mahkamovanvar2020@gmail.com
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Fayziyeva Makhbuba Raximjonovna Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences Academic title: professor Research fields: digital technologies, computer graphics, cyber security policy, web technologies Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
– “O‘quv jarayoniga moslashuvchi Web tizimni yaratishning ilmiy-metodik asoslari”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2016(In Uzbek);
– “Raqamli transformatsiya sharoitida ta’lim platformalarini yaratish va uni amaliyotga joriy etish texnologiyalari”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2023(In Uzbek);
– “Web технологиялар”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2013(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Media va axborot savodxonligi”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2018 (hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari”. 8-sinf uchun darslik (7 tilda). Darslik, Toshkent, 2020(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari”. 9-sinf uchun darslik (7 tilda). Darslik, Toshkent, 2020(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari”. 6-sinf uchun darslik (7 tilda). Darslik, Toshkent, 2020(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Web dizayn”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2022(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Kompyuter grafikasi”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2022(hammualliflikda) (In Uzbek);
– “Raqamli texnologiyalar va sun’iy intellekt”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2023(In Uzbek);
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: fmahbuba@mail.ru
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
![]() | Full Name: Khodjayeva Mavlyuda Sabirovna Academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences Academic title: associate professor Research fields: international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, political science, world politics, political processes in Central Asia, youth policy Foreign language skills: Russian and English
Main scientific works:
– “MOODLE” тизими ва унинг ўқув методик таъминоти. (Таълим технологияларидан фойдаланиш). Monografiya, Toshkent, 2021;
- Основные направления цифровой трансформации системы высшего образования в Республике Узбекистан/ (Коллектиная монография) Махачкала 2022. Издательство ДГУ, 2022.
- “Axborotlarni himoyalashning intellectual tizimlari”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2021 (hammualliflikda);
– “Информатика и информационные технологии”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020;
– “Цифровые технологии и инновация”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2022;
– Применение интеллектуальнқх систем в процессе обучения студентов в ВУЗах. Филиал Московского Государственного университета им.Ломоносова 2021 г.
-The role and effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in distance education. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 12, Issue 11, November 2022 SJIF 2022 = 8.252
- Use of modern technologies in the development of the site writers alley. (hammyalliflikda) International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) 2022
Digital technologies in distance learning and teaching. EJJMRMS ISSN: 2750-8587 -European International Journal Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies.2023. va boshqalar
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: m.nazirov@iiau.uz
![]() | Full Name: Jumayev Turdali Saminjonovich Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences Academic title: assistant professor Research fields: preliminary processing of images, separation of representative signs characterizing images, recognition of a person based on biometric parameters Foreign language skills: Russian and English |
Main scientific works:
- “Dasturiy ta’minotni testlash va tekshirish”. Study guide, Tashkent, 2019;
- “Tasvirlarga raqamli ishlov berish”. Study guide, Tashkent, 2020;
- “Veb dasturlash”. Study guide, Tashkent, 2020;
- “Tasvirlarga dastlabki ishlov berish algoritmlari”. Monograph, Tashkent, 2023 (co-author);
- “Ma’lumotlar bazasi”. Study guide, Tashkent, 2023;
- “Python tilida dasturlash”. Study guide, Tashkent, 2023 (co-author);
- Tasvirdagi obyektni xarakterlovchi reprezentativ belgilar to‘plamini shakllantirish // O‘zbekiston jurnali “Informatika va energetika muommolari”. – Toshkent, 2011.
- Shaxsni tanib olish masalasida tasvirdagi obyekt belgilarini ajratish algoritmlari //O‘zbekiston jurnali “Islom tafakkuri”. – Toshkent, 1-son, 2021, 172-175 b.
- Experimental study of algorithms for ear images distribution in personal identity // Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022, P. 813-822. (co-author).
- Axborot xavfsizligini ta’minlashda identifikatsiya jarayonlari // Axborot xavfsizligi sohasida raqamlashtirish muammolari va istiqbollari, Toshkent, 2022, 53-55 b. and etc.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: t.jumayev@iiau.uz
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
Full Name: Bekkamov Fayzi Absoatovich
Academic degree: no
Academic title: senior teacher
Research fields:
artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, information security, decision-making support systems.
Foreign language skills: Russian and English
Main scientific works:
– “Elektron kutubxona resurslarini izlashning intellektual tizimlari”. Kutubxona.uz ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali №2 (46) 2020; (in Uzbek)
– “Recommender systems: an overview”. Buxoro davlat universiteti ilmiy axboroti xalqaro jurnali №3 2021; (in English)
– “Axborot-kutubxona tizimlarida ma’lumotlarni izlash va qayta ishlash”. TATU xabarlari ilmiy jurnali №2 (50) 2021; (in Uzbek)
– “Problems and goals of recommender systems”. Middle European scientific bulletin ISSN 2694-9970 Volume 23, 23 april 2022 (in co-authorship); (in English)
– “Smart retrieval systems for electronic library resources”. 12th World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation. Сhemical technology. Control and management. International scientific and technical journal № 4-5, 2022; (in English)
– “Fuzzy model for determining the information needs of library users”. Environment. Technology. Resources. 14th international scientific and practical conference. June 15-16, 2023, Latvia (in co-authorship); (in English)
– “Kutubxona tizimlarida foydalanuvchilarning axborot ehtiyojlarini baholash mezonlari”. Kutubxona.uz ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali №3 (62) 2023; (in Uzbek)
– “Tavsiya etish tizimlarining umumiy tahlili”. Raqamli transformatsiya va sun’iy intellekt ilmiy jurnali №3. Tashkent, 2023 (in co-authorship) and etc.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: bfayzi93@gmail.com
Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98
Full Name: Ergashev Giyosjon Jurayevich.
Research fields:
Analysis, control and management of technical systems using mathematical modeling. Development of technology for preparing Si (Li) detectors using mathematical modeling.
Foreign language skills: russian and english
Main scientific works:
-“Kimyoviy injineringda axborot texnologiylari”. Textbook, Tashkent, 2019 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek).
-“Axborot texnologiyalari”. Instructional manual, Tashkent, 2020; (In Uzbek)
-“Texnik tizimlarda axborot texnologiyalari”. Instructional manual, Tashkent, 2023 (in co-authorship); (In Uzbek).
He is working in the direction of analysis, control and management of technical systems with the help of mathematical modeling. More than 15 scientific articles have been published so far. Among them, about 10 were published in foreign countries. At the same time, he has been working as a senior researcher at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Physics-Solar Scientific Production Association of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Scientific works link: -----
Email address: ergiyosjon787@gmail.com
Office phone number:
+998 71 2440042
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