Islamic economy and finance, pilgrimage tourism



The department of “Islamic Economics and Finance, Pilgrimage Tourism” was established on August 3, 2018 within the Faculty of “Islamic Economics and International Relations” of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to radically improve the activities of the religious and educational sphere” dated April 16, 2018 of the year No. PF-5416 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to organize and support activities” dated June 22, 2018 No. 466.

Academic staff of the department consists of 20 employees, including 13 full-time professors, 4 doctors of science, 10 candidates of science, a senior teacher and 2 teachers. In 2023, the professor of the department, DSc N. Tukhliev was elected a full member of the Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently, 5 professors and 5 associate professors are working in the department.

Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Astanakulov Olim Tashtemirovich.

Among the professors and teachers of the department, there are specialists who have long-term scientific-pedagogical and practical experience, who have completed internships in leading higher education institutions of foreign countries.

Among the professors and teachers of the department, Professor N. Tukhliev defended his candidate's thesis at St. Petersburg University (Russian Federation) and A. Isadjanov defended his candidate's thesis at the Moscow Aviation Institute (Russian Federation), which are among the top 1000 universities in the world

Professor O. Astanakulov has completed internships in the USA (Texas A&M University), the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Korea, China, and Turkey.

Associate Professor N. Batirova of the department has trained in countries such as India, Malaysia, Russia, Egypt, Germany, Turkey and participated in programs announced by international organizations such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Islamic Development Bank.

Associate professors of the department A. Abdirashidov, N. Batirova, G. Gulyamova, S. Dusanov advanced their qualifications in the field of tourism at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the department is preparing personnel for 3 bachelor's education areas in full-time, evening, part-time, distance forms and 4 full-time master's specialties.


Undergraduate majors:

– 61010400 – Tourism (pilgrimage tourism);

– 60411100 – Islamic economy and finance;

– 60411900 – World economy and international economic relations (by regions and types of activity).

Master's specializations:

– 70411201 – Management (organization and management of pilgrimage tourism);

– 70411902 – Foreign economic activity (by sectors and areas of activity);

– 70411101 – Islamic economy and finance;

– 71010401 – Tourism (management and organization of pilgrimage tourism)

Full Name: Astanakulov Olim Tashtemirovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Science in Economics

Academic title: Professor

Research fields: 

accounting, economic analysis, auditing, Islamic economics and finance, tourism management

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

  1. Astanakulov, O. T., Kuchkovskaya, N. V., Bataeva, P. S., Khokhlova, N. I., & Calesci, M. (2019). Providing Innovative Processes in the Economic Development of the Russian Regions. Space and Culture, India, 7(2), 125-142. https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v7i2.456
  2. Astanakulov, O., Asatullaev, K., Saidsaidaxmedova, N., & Ergashev, O. (2019). Strategic Support for Accounting for the Investment Process in the Innovation Industry. Journal Of Advanced Research In Law And Economics, 10(6), 1877-1883. Retrieved from https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/ 4977
  3. Astanakulov, O. (2019). Real options as a financial instrument to evaluate a project with a high degree of uncertainty: the specifics of application. Economic Annals-XXI, 179(9-10), 105-114. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V179-09
  4. Astanakulov, O.T., Sheina, E.G., Zakirova, E.R., & Tsoi, G.G. (2019). The relationship of financial planning and budgeting in turnover-oriented enterprises. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol: 25 Issue: 4, 1528-2686. Retrieved from https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-relationship-of-financial-planning-and-budgeting-in-turnover-oriented-enterprises-8845.html
  5. Астанакулов, О.Т. К вопросу о повышении эффективности финансирования субъектов хозяйствования и трансфертном ценообразовании / Е. Г. Шеина, О. Т. Астанакулов // Финансы и кредит. – 2019. – Т. 25. – № 10(790). – С. 2281-2303. – DOI 10.24891/fc.25.10.2281.
  6. Астанакулов, О.Т. Совершенствование методологии анализа финансово-инвестиционной деятельности предприятий / Э. Р. Закирова, Е. Г. Шеина, О. Т. Астанакулов // Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. – 2019. – Т. 8. – № 3(28). – С. 69-74. – DOI 10.26140/anie-2019-0803-0014.
  7. Астанакулов, О.Т. Методология оценки финансовой устойчивости предприятия на основе систем оценки инвестиционной деятельности / О. Т. Астанакулов // Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. – 2019. – Т. 8. – № 4(29). – С. 69-73. – DOI 10.26140/anie-2019-0804-0013.
  8. Астанакулов, О.Т. Методологический подход к оценке и анализу инвестиционной привлекательности объектов инвестирования при ранжировании финансовых показателей / Е. Г. Шеина, О. Т. Астанакулов // Известия Санкт-Петербургского государственного экономического университета. – 2019. – № 5-1(119). – С. 51-56.
  9. Астанакулов, О.Т. Методические подходы к оценке эффективности управления инвестиционными и финансовыми рисками субъектов хозяйствования / Э. Р. Закирова, Е. Г. Шеина, О. Т. Астанакулов // Финансы и управление. – 2019. – № 2. – С. 27-36. – DOI 10.25136/2409-7802.2019.2.29840.
  10. Astanakulov, O.T., Raximov, M.Y., Kalandarova, N.N. (2020). Analysis of The Investment Program of The Analytical Cycle at the Enterprise for the Development of the Company's Entrepreneurial Activity. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol: 26 Issue: 3S, 1528-2686. Retrieved from https://www.abacademies.org/articles/analysis-of-the-investment-program-of-the-analytical-cycle-at-the-enterprise-for-the-development-of-the-companys-entrepreneurial-a-9736.html
  11. Astanakulov, O. (2020). National projects and government programmes: functional algorithm for evaluating and modelling using the Data Science methodology. Economic Annals-XXI, 183(5-6), 51-59. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V183-05.
  12. Исторические формы развития математического моделирования как системы прогнозирования экономической активности / О.Т.Астанакулов, А.М.Гачаев, В.М.Шинкарук, Т.В.Абалакина // Вопросы истории. – 2021. – № 6-2. – С. 87-94. – DOI 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202106Statyi33.
  13. Экономическая дипломатия и безопасность на рубеже XX-XXI вв / В.А.Лапшов, Е.С.Азарова, Р.А.Абрамов, О.Т.Астанакулов // Вопросы истории. – 2021. – № 8-2. – С. 130-137. – DOI 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202108Statyi39.
  14. Исторические аспекты реализации влияний политических движений на экономическую среду в посткоммунистических странах / О.Т.Астанакулов, А.М.Гачаев, М.У.Яхьяева, Н.В.Кучковская // Вопросы истории. – 2021. – № 4-2. – С. 66-75. – DOI 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202104Statyi70.
  15. Формирование системы местного самоуправления в условиях федерализации / Р.А.Абрамов, О.Т.Астанакулов, А.А.Бисултанова, Н.В.Кучковская // Вопросы истории. – 2021. – № 3. – С. 265-273. – DOI 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202103Statyi28.
  16. Astanakulov, O., Asatullaev, Kh., Saidaxmedova, N., & Batirova, N. (2021). The energy efficiency of the national economy assessment in terms of investment in green energy. Economic Annals-XXI, 189(5-6(1)), 26-34. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V189-03
  17. Историческое развитие экономической методологии во взаимосвязи с формированием рыночных условий / О.Т.Астанакулов, Е.Г.Борисова, И.В.Морозов, Н.А.Соловьева // Вопросы истории. – 2021. – № 11-3. – С. 142-149. – DOI 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202111Statyi89.
  18. История человеческого капитала в экономической теории / О.Т.Астанакулов,  А.Арсаханова, М. Н.Сурилов, А. М.Гачаев // Вопросы истории. – 2022. – № 3(1). – С. 142-149. – DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202203 Statyi33
  19. Astanakulov O.T., Abdurakhmanova G.K., Muhammad Eid Balbaa, and Goyipnazarov S.B. 2023. Ensuring the Smooth operation of Physical technology companies in distributed environments. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems (ICFNDS '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 66–73. https://doi.org/10.1145/3584202.3584213
  20. Abdurakhmanova, G. K., Astanakulov, O. T., Goyipnazarov, S. B., & Irmatova, A. B. (2022, December). Tourism 4.0: opportunities for applying Industry 4.0 Technologies in tourism. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems (pp. 33-38).
  21. Astanakulov, O., & Balbaa, M. E. (2022, December). The Use of the Internet of Things to Ensure the Smooth Operation of Network Functions in Fintech. In International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking (pp. 452-461). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  22. Balbaa, M. E., & Astanakulov, O.T. Fusion-Based Econometric Analysis: Assessing Investment Project Efficacy and Business Decision Making.
  23. Astanakulov, O., Goyipnazarov, S., & Nasurova, K. (2022). The study of pilgrimage in aspects of the economy of tourism organization. Economic Annals-XXI, 200(11-12), 42-54. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V200-07

Scientific works link:




Email address: astanakulov@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Full Name: Isadjanov Abduvali Abdurakhimovich 

Academic degree: Doctor of Sciences in Economics 

Academic title: Professor

Research fields: Globalization of the World Economy and sustainable

 economic development, Foreign Economic and Investment policy,

 Economic Security, Environmental safety and  influence of climate changes on economic development.

Foreign language skills:

 Russian and English

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Main scientific works: 

Isadjanov A., Saidova G.K., Popadiyk N.K., Guliamov C.C., Djumaev R.Z., Irgashev I.F.  Economic Reform in Uzbekistan: Characteristics and Responses. The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, - Тоkyo, - Japan, - 1998. – 162 p. 

Isadjanov A.A. Geoeconomical Problems of Development the Foreign Economic Activity's  of Republic of Uzbekistan in Transition. State Found of Scientific-Technical Information under the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Monograph. № 2761 Уз 2000. 21.12.2000. – Tashkent. – Uzbekistan. – 128 p.

Isadjanov A.A. About measures of Strengthening Trust and Deepening Cooperation in Central Asia. //Journal  “ANALITIC”. Institute of Strategic Research under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - Almaty, - Kazakhstan  - 2001. - №3.

Isadjanov A.А. Uzbekistan - restructuring economy and foreign investment.// Journal «Marco Polo». - Italy, - Venezia, - 2000. - № 3.

Isadjanov A.А. Сentral Аsia: cooperation priorities. // Journal of «Marco Polo magazine». Italy, Venezia - 2002. - № 4-5.

Isadjanov A.А. Economic globalization: priorities and development factors. // Journal of «International Relations». University of the World Economy and Diplomacy. - Tashkent 2003. - № 3.

Isadjanov A.А. China: internal factors of economic growth.// Journal of «Market, Money and Credit », Tashkent. - 2006.  - № 7.

Isadjanov A.А. Problems of economic security in the globalization. // Journal of «International Relations». University of the World Economy and Diplomacy. - Tashkent, - 2006.  - № 3.

Isadjanov A.А. Uzbekistan: potential of investment cooperation. // Journal of «Foreign Investment in Uzbekistan». 2008. № 1.

Isadjanov A.А. Globalization of the World Economy. The University of World Economy and Diplomacy. – Tashkent. - 2008. - 185 p.

Isadjanov A.А. Foreign economic policy of China in globalization. // Journal of «International Relations». The University of World Economy and Diplomacy. - Tashkent, - 2009. - № 1.

Isadjanov A.А. Central Asia: Еcological threats and priorities of the regional cooperation. //«Environmental Security and Еcoterrorism». Abstract Book. International conference. NATO. Academy of geopolitical problems. Moscow, Russian Federation. 2010.

Isadjanov A.A., Hasanov U, Makataev A., Yigitaliev Sh.,  Faizullaev A., Rashidov H., Abdurahimov N. International Relations of Neighboring Countries. Textbook. - The University of World Economy and Diplomacy. - Tashkent - 2012 . - 116 p.

Isadjanov A.A. The service sector in the global economy. T.: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. Study guide. 2019. - 300 p.

Isadjanov A.A. Processes of globalization and regional economic integration. Textbook. International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 2020. "Complex Print". - 439 p.

Isadjanov A.A. Environmental aspects of sustainable economic development. Monograph. T.: "Complex Print". 2020. – 200 p.

Isadjanov A.A., Vohidova M.Kh., Stetsenko I.P., Kadirova Z.A. International trade. Textbook. Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. T.: 2021.- 244 p.

Isadjanov A.A. Food security: modern trends and national priorities. Monograph. International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. T.: Complex Print. 2021 -160 p.

Isadjanov A.A. International hotel systems. Textbook. International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. T.: "Complex Print". T.: 2022. - 223 p.

Isadjanov A.A. China's innovative development factors and priorities. Monograph . International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. T.: Complex Print. 2022 – 135 p.

Isadjanov A.A., Gulyamova G., Sodikov Z., Valiev B. Jiyanov U. Modern features of tourism development in Uzbekistan, // ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development. Vol 39, No 4, 2022, 150-156 150. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6522029.

Isadjanov A.A. Management in the tourism industry. Study guide. T.: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. T.: “Complex Print”. 2023 – 134 p.

Abduvaliev A.A., Isadjanov A.A., Dadabaev U., Muhammad Eid Balbaa.   Neutrosophic Framework for analysis factors of innovation in the development of Uzbekistan: features and modern tendencies. // International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS). Vol. 21, No. 03, PP. 34-46, 2023. 

Abduvaliev A.A., Isadjanov A.A. Examining the Growth of Regional Scienceand Technology Clusters in the Global Economy. // R-ECONOMY, 2023, 9(3), 338–348. doi 10.15826/recon.2023.9.3.021

Total publications more 230 scientific articles, thesis, textbooks and monographs.

 Scientific works link: 45

Email address: isadjanov.abduvali@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 320 70 34

Full Name: Tukhliev Nurislam

Academic degree: Doctor of Science in Economical Sciences 

Academic title: professor

Research fields:economic theory, economics of the service sector (tourism)

Foreign language skills: Russian 

Main scientific works: 

  • Eco-tourism: sustainability, trends and strategy development. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). – T.: GNI UzME, 2006. – 416 p.
  • Management and organization of business and tourism. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). - T.: State. Scientific Publishing house “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2006. – 366 p.
  • National tourism tourism model. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). - T.: State. Scientific Publishing house “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2006. – 423 p.
  • Formalities and tourism systems of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). - T.: State. Scientific publishing house “UzME”, 2007. – 504 p.
  • Basic security and tourism. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). - T.: State. Scientific Publishing house “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2008. – 504 p.
    • Style, technology, products and tourism. Textbook (co-author T. Abdullaeva). - T.: State. Scientific Publishing House “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2009. – 624 pages.
    • Uzbekistan: population, nature, economy (co-author O. Ata-Mirzaev). - T.: State. Scientific Publishing House “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2009. – 240 p.
    • Uzbek development model. Monograph. – T.: NMIU “Uzbekistan”, 2012. – 180 p.
    • Uzbek model: principles of development. – T.: State scientific publishing house “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2014. – 264 p.
    • Asian development model. Monograph. – T.: NMIU “Uzbekistan”, 2015. – 176 p.
    • Economics of Uzbekistan: textbook for universities (co-authors N. Kholmatov, Sh. Ermamatov, K. Khakberdiev). – T.: NMIU “Uzbekistan”, 2018. – 448 p.
    • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the development of the higher education system in Uzbekistan. Monograph (co-author K. Kurolov). – T.: “Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat”, 2018. – 128 p.
    • Anatomy of the economy of Uzbekistan. Monograph. – Tashkent: Publishing house “Ilm-Zie-Zakovat”, 2019. – 404 p.
    • National models of tourism development. Textbook (co-author O. Dzhianov). – T.: Publishing house “Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat”, 2020. – 256 p.
    • Regional economic integration: patterns of development, features. Monograph. – Tashkent: Publishing house “Ilm-Zie-Zakovat”, 2020. – 116 p.
    • New trends in the development of the world economy. Monograph. – Tashkent: Publishing house “Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat”, 2021. – 72 p.
    • Economics and tourism management. Textbook (co-author O. Dzhianov). – T.: Publishing house “Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat”, 2021. – 406 p.
    • Safety in tourism. Textbook (co-author O. Dzhianov). – T.: Publishing house “Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat”, 2022. – 196 p.
    • Development of tourism services and technologies in Uzbekistan. Monograph (co-author O'Jiyanov). - T.: Publishing house “Ilm-ziyo-zakovat”, 2022. 96 p.
    • Tourism management. Textbook (co-author O'. Ziyanov). - T.: Publishing house “Ilm-ziyo-zakovat”, 2022. 242 p.
    • Formalism in tourism. Textbook (co-author O'. Ziyanov). – T.: Publishing house “Ilm-ziyo-zakovat”, 2023, 96 p.
    • Modern management methods in tourism. Textbook (Gulomova G., Valiev B.) – T.: – 2023, 216 p.

Email address: tukhliev.nurislom@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Full Name: Abdullayev Ravshan Vahidovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Science in Economical Sciences 

Academic title: professor

Research fields:  Islamic economy, agricultural economy

Foreign language skills: Russian and english, arabic

Main scientific works: 

  • "Economic Theory". Study guide. "Tashkent Islamic University" publishing-printing association. 2004. – 128 pages.
  • Methodological guidelines for writing author's annotations for graduate theses and master's theses in the field of economics. Methodical guide. 2005. – 12 pages.
  • Methodical guide on writing and preparing abstracts from economic sciences. 2005. – 16 pages.
  • Fundamentals of Islamic economics. Study guide.-T, 2005. 120 p.
  • Personnel management. Study guide.-T, 2005. - 120 p.
  • The role of religion and humanism and human globalization. Uchebnoye posobiye. T., 2006. (co-authored)
  • Republic of Korea: Politics, economy, culture. T., 2006. Page 223. (co-authored)
  • Financial relations in Islamic economics. Study guide.-T, 2007. - 120 p. (co-authored)
  • Fundamentals of innovative entrepreneurship. Monograph. Tashkent: 2015. 64 pages. (co-authored)
  • Glossary of terms from science, technology and innovation policy of foreign countries. Dictionary. Tashkent: 2015. 84 pages. (co-authored)
  • Fundamentals of Islamic economics and the economy of Islamic countries. Glossary. Tashkent: 2015. 80 pages. (co-authored)
  • Science, technology and innovation policy in foreign countries. Monograph. Tashkent: 2016. 120 p. (co-authored)
  • Innovative entrepreneurship: development problems and foreign experience. Monograph. Tashkent: 2017. 140 p. (co-authored)
  • Economic theory. Study guide. T: 2020. 160 pages
  • Trade and business in Islam. Tashkent: 2022. -232 p.

Email address: r.abdullayev@iiau.uz 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Full Name: Sodikov Zokir Rustamovich

Academic degree: PhD of Economics 

Academic title: associate professor

Research fields:

Integration of the national economy into the world economy, international economy,

 world economy, the practice of Islamic banks, risk management in Islamic banks,

the Islamic insurance (takoful) market, the development trend of tourism and ziyarah tourism in the world.

Foreign language skills: Turkish, Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

–Milliy iqtisodiyotning jahon iqtisodiyotiga integratsiyalashuvi. Oʻquv qoʻllanma. T. “Complex print”,: 2019. 124 b. (In Uzbek)

–Yangi iqtisodiy jarayonlar samaradorligi. Monografiya. – T.: “Innovatsiya-Ziyo”, 2020. – 126 b. (In Uzbek)

–Xalqaro iqtisodiy integratsiya. Darslik. – T.: “Сomplex print”, 2020. 200 b. (In Uzbek)

–Xalqaro iqtisodiy integratsiya. O‘quv qo‘llanma. – T.: “Сomplex print”, 2020. 160 b. (In Uzbek)

–Globallasuv sharoitida tashqi savdoning rivojlanish tendensiyasi. Monografiya. T.: “Complex print”, 2021. 84 b. (In Uzbek)

–Milliy iqtisodiyotning jahon iqtisodiyotiga integratsiyalashuvidagi yangi tendensiyalar va muammolar. Monografiya. T.: “Complex print”, 2022. 80 b. (In Uzbek)

–Islom moliyasi asoslari – T.: “Lesson-Press”, 2023. (in co-authorship), – 131 b. (In Uzbek)

–Islom banklarida risk menejmenti. Oʻquv qoʻllanma. T.: “Lesson-Press”, 2023.  135 b. (In Uzbek)

–Islom banklari amaliyotlarining o‘ziga xos jihatlari. Monografiya. T.: “Lesson-Press”, 2023.  94 b. (In Uzbek)

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: zokirsodiqov1@gmail.com 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Abdirashidov Ashirali Abdirashidovich

Post-doktorlik tadqiqotlari – Slovakiya agrar universiteti (SAU)
Iqtisod fanlari nomzodi – Toshkent moliya instituti (TMI)
Mintaqaviy iqtisodiyot, magistratura – O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti (O‘zMU)
Iqtisodiyot, bakalavr – Qarshi davlat universiteti (QDU)

Тel: +998 71 2440075     

Pochta: ashirali.abdirashidov@gmail.com


Full Name: Xudoyarov Anvar Aidjanovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Ekonomiks Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields:         World economy and international economic relations

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

-Худояров.А.А. Б.Абдурасулов. “Зиёрат туризмида логистика” Ўқув қўлланма. -T: MUMTOZ SOZ, 2019.

-Худояров А.А. “Туризм ва мехмонхона индустрияси асослари” Ўқув қўлланма” Complers Print”.Тошкент 2020.

-Худояров А.А. “Ўзбекистонда зиёрат туризми бозорининг ривожланиш хусусиятлари ва тенденциялари”” Монография.”Complers Print”Тошкент.2020.

-Худояров А.А. Туризм ва мехмонхона индустрияси асослари. Ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент: ООО “Complex Print”, 2020. -204 б.

-Худояров А.А. Зиёрат туризмида туроператорлик фаолияти. Ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент: ООО “Complex Print”, 2022. -167 б.

-Худояров А.А.Ўзбекистонда зиёрат туризмини ривожлантиришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмлари: Монография.Тошкент: ООО “Complex Print”,2021. -304 б.

-Худояров А.А. Зиёрат туризмининг жахон туризм индустриясида  тутган ўрни ва ахамияти. Монография. ООО “Complex Print”,2023.87б

-Худояров А.А. “Туризм ва мехмонхона индустрияси асослари”.Дарслик - Т. ООО “Complex Print”, нашриёти, 2023. - 302 б.

Email address:xudoyarovanvar111@jmail.ru

Office phone number +998 71 244 0075 


Full Name: Gulyamova Gulnora Pataxkamalovna

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences

Academic title: assistant professor

Research fields: 

world economy, economy of foreign countries, innovative economy, tourism, pilgrimage tourism

Foreign language skills: Russian 

Main scientific works: 

– Turizm geografiyasi. Darslik. Toshkent: “COMPLEX PRINT” nashriyoti,  2020. – 232 b.

- Turizmda institusional munosabatlar.-O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent: “COMPLEX PRINT” nashriyoti, 2019. – 240 b.

- Turizm menejmentida tizimli tahlil va samarali qarorlar qabul qilish. O‘quv qo‘llanma. – T.: “Lesson press”MChJ nashriyoti. 2023., 134 b. (hammualliflikda)

- Turizmda menejmentning zamonaviy usullari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. – T.: 2023., 216 b.

- Turizmni hududiy tashkil etishning zamonaviy xususiyatlari. Monografiya. T.: O‘zXIA, 2020. 127 b.

- Turizm sektori raqobatbardoshligi: nazariya va amaliyot. Monografiya / T.: “Lesson press”MChJ nashriyoti. 2023., 104 b.

Magistrlik dissertatsiyasini yozish bo‘yicha uslubiy qo‘llanma.// Uslubiy qo‘llanma. Toshkent: “COMPLEX PRINT”, 2022. – 34 b.(hammualliflikda)

va boshqalar.

Scientific works link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4Y-K4LUAAAAJ&hl=ru

Email address: ggulyamova@yandex.ru

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Full Name: Jiyanov Uktam

Academic degree: 

Academic title: 

Research fields:international economic relations, macroeconomics, service economy (tourism)

Foreign language skills: English, Russian, Arabic

Main scientific works: 

  • Glossary on "Fundamentals of Islamic Economy" and "Economy of Islamic Countries" (co-authored). - T.: "Tashkent Islamic University" publishing house, 2015. - 180 p.
  • Glossary of terms from the subject "Science, technology and innovation policy of the countries under study" (co-authored). - T.: "Tashkent Islamic University" publishing house, 2015. - 84 p.
  • Brochure "Fundamentals of innovative entrepreneurship" (co-authored). - T.: "Tashkent Islamic University" publishing house, 2015. - 64 p.
  • Study guide "Science, technology and innovation policy in foreign countries" (co-authored). - T.: "New Generation" publishing house, 2016. - 120 p.
  • Innovative entrepreneurship: development problems and foreign experience (co-authored). - T.: "New Generation" publishing house, 2017. - 140 p.
  • A set of exercises (practical problems) from the subject "Economic Theory". – T.: "Complex Print", 2019. - 140 p.
  • National models of tourism development: Textbook (co-author Prof. N.Tukhliyev). - T.: "Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat" publishing house, 2020. - 256 p.
  • Tourism management. Study guide (co-author N. Tukhliyev). - T.: "Ilm-ziyo-zakovat" publishing house, 2020. - 242 p.
  • Tourism economy and management: Textbook (co-author N.Tukhliyev). - T.: "Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat" publishing house, 2021. - 407 p.
  • Safety in tourism: Textbook (co-author N.Tukhliyev). - T.: "Ilm-Ziya-Zakovat" publishing house, 2022. - 180 p.
  • Development of tourism services and technologies in Uzbekistan. Monograph (co-author N.Tukhliyev). - T.: "Lesson-press" publishing house, 2022. - 96 p.
  • Tourism economy: Study guide. - Tashkent: "Lesson Press" publishing house, 2023. - 170 p.

Email address: uktam.jiyanov87@gmail.com 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75


Full Name: Batirova Nilufar Sherkulovna

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields:


Islamic economy, world economy

Foreign language skills: Russian and English, arabic

Main scientific works: 

1. Methodological recommendations for writing independent works on the subjects of "World Economy" and "International Economic Relations" (abstract, review, control and term paper writing). Methodical guide. Tashkent: 2007. 52 pages (co-authored)

2. Issues of ensuring food safety in the context of the global financial and economic crisis. Monograph. Tashkent, 2011. 40 pages. (co-authored)

3. Arbun, Baitul mol, Wazi'a, Jazaf, Zakat, Ijara, Istismor, Kafillik, Muzobana, Muzora'a, Murabakha, Musovama, Mu'ovama, Mukhakala. Dictionary. An encyclopedic dictionary of Islamic studies. Tashkent, 2013. 272 p. (co-authored)

4. Ribo, Salam, Sanya, Sarf, Tawliya, Tajzi'a, Bad trade, Shirkat, Ehtikor, Karz, Karzi hasan, Gharar. Dictionary. An encyclopedic dictionary of Islamic studies. Tashkent, 2014. 432 p. (co-authored)

5. A set of practical exercises and tasks in accounting and auditing, a teaching-methodical manual. Instructional manual. Tashkent: 2014.116 p. (co-authored)

6. Fundamentals of innovative entrepreneurship. Monograph. Tashkent: 2015. 64 p. (co-authored)

7. Glossary of terms from science, technology and innovation policy of foreign countries. Dictionary. Tashkent: 2015.84 p. (co-authored)

8. Fundamentals of Islamic economy and the economy of Islamic countries. Glossary. Tashkent: 2015. 80 p. (co-authored)

9. Science, technology and innovation policy in foreign countries. Monograph. Tashkent: New age generation, 2016. 120 p. (co-authored)

10. A collection of issues on tax and taxation. Educational manual. Tashkent: 2017.100 p.

11. Innovative entrepreneurship: development problems and foreign experience. Monograph. Tashkent: 2017. 140 p. (co-authored)

12. A set of exercises on financial management. Educational manual. Tashkent: 2019. 144 p. (co-authored)

13. Accounting. Study guide. Tashkent: 2020. 178 p. No. 522-198. (06.10.2020)

14. Financial management. Study guide. Tashkent: 2021.-212 p. #676-377. (28.12.2020)

15. Directions of innovative development of the regional industry (as an example of Tashkent region). Monograph. Tashkent: 2021.-168 p.

16. Accounting and auditing textbook. Textbook. Tashkent: 2022. -262 pages. #500-333 (23.11.2021) (co-authored)

17. Property management and planning. Study guide. Tashkent: 2022. -209 pages. #302-0237. (09.09.2022) (co-authored)

18. Methodical guide on writing a master's dissertation, requirements for its content, preliminary and formal defense. Methodical guide. 2022.-32 p. (co-authored)

Email address: n.batirova@iiau.uz 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

Full Name: Jakhongirov Kamoliddin Asomiddin ugli

Academic degree: no 

Academic title: no

Research fields:  no                                                                                                                 

Foreign language skills: English

Main scientific works: 

– "Introduction to Tourism". Instructional manual, Tashkent, 2023.

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: kamoliddin6564@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 00 75

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