Uzbek and foreign languages

“Uzbek and foreign languages” department 

Information about the “Uzbek and Foreign Languages” department, the faculty of Classic and Oriental Philology of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

The department was originally established under the name of the Department of Western Languages, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 7, 1999 "On the establishment of Tashkent Islamic University" and "Jurisprudence, Economics within the Faculty of Natural Sciences. 

The Department of “Western Languages” was renamed to “Foreign Languages” which was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 16, 2018 "On the establishment of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan" and has been actively operating as a part of the Faculty of Oriental Philology.

Currently, according to the decision of the Academy Council since September 6, 2024 and in connection with the change in the staff of the department, the name of the department has been changed to the name "Uzbek and foreign languages" department. 

Goals and objectives of the department are to teach Uzbek and foreign languages ​​and linguistics to students and future researchers-masters, to form skills and qualifications for their effective use, and to contribute to the work of educating future specialists in the spirit of love for the Motherland.

The structure of the department: Following people are working  in the department: Head of the department PhD, associate professor  B.R.Shamsematova, doctor of philological sciences, professor D.E.Lutfullayeva; candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor N.I. Djumayeva, candidate of philological sciences, associate professors - N.S. Sayidirakhimova, N.K. Shoaliyeva, F.A. Nizamova, D. Muminova; p.f.f.d. (PhD), associate professors - Sh.Akbarova, Ph.D.D.Khasanova, F.Shirinova and L.K.Azimova; senior teachers - S.M.Djalalova, K.Aripova, F.Khodjakulova, M.Ulmasbayeva, I.Asrorov, A.Khafizov, Z.T.Arifzhanov; teacher - V.V. Myakota. The head of the cabinet 

S. Alimjonova contributes to the activity of the department.

Activities and researches of the department. Professors and teachers of the department teach students of all faculties of the academy :"Uzbek language", "Foreign language", "Western language", "Western language and literature", "Russian language", "Persian language", "Professional Speech Culture", "History of Uzbek Literature", "Basics of Scientific Research" subjects are taught to the  students of the Faculty of Oriental Philology, "Academic Writing" "Scientific research methodology", "Associative linguistics", "Cognitive linguistics", "Modern directions of linguistics", "Research project management"  subjects are taught to master students of the Faculty of Islamic Economy and International Relations.

The main content of the department's activity is translating  scientific sources related to Islamic studies and religion in Uzbek, English, Russian and Persian languages, contributing to the process of inter-country dialogue, scientific and spiritual exchange, and increasing the effectiveness of education. 

Currently, the department incorporates  1 professor, 10 associate professors, PhD. (PhD), p.f.f.d. (Phd), 7 senior teachers and 1 teacher.

         Professors and teachers of the department regularly take an active part in scientific and practical conferences held abroad and in our republic.

 Roundtable discussions and trainings are being held with partner organizations. Up to now, the members of the department have published 14 monographs, more than 300 scientific articles in scientific journals under the jurisdiction of Supreme Attestation Committee, 2 teaching methodological manuals and 69 manuals, about 350 articles in journals indexed in international scientific and technical databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and foreign journals.

Extra curricular activities  are organized in the department to improve the knowledge of students in their specialty. They are:

• Road to IELTS;

• Debate club;

• Speaking club;

• Reading”;

• Boost of Russian conversation;

• Russkiy yazik kak vtoroy yazik spetsialnosti;

• Russian language for designers and developers;

• Persian language.

The department has established cooperation relations with the following international universities and organizations:

• "Reading" University of Great Britain;

• Northeastern Illinois University;

• "Azerbaijan Association of Pedagogues" in Azerbaijan;

• Moscow State Linguistic University;

• International Kazakh-Turkish University named after "Ahmed Yassavi".

The main tasks of “Uzbek and Foreign Languages” Department:

• to organize highly effective training based on advanced, modern educational and vocational programs in accordance with state educational standards and ensure training of qualified personnel;

• organization of personnel training based on the modern achievements of science, technology, advanced technology, economy and culture in accordance with the prospects of the country's economic and social development, and regular improvement of its methods;

• educating young people based on the ideology of national revival and knowledge of universal human values, in the spirit of independence, love for the Motherland, family, nature, and humanity;

• development and implementation of practical systems of education, science and production integration;

• development of science, technology and technology through scientific researches and creative activities of scientific-pedagogical personnel and students;

• development of mutually beneficial cooperation with highly developed countries in the field of Uzbek and foreign language education.

Full Name: Shamsematova Barno Rikhsivaevna

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences 

Academic title: N/A

Research fields: philology and language teaching, linguoculturology, comparative linguistics, foreign language and literature

Foreign language skills: English and Russian

 Main scientific works: 

– “Linguacultural analysis of linguistic units expressing national values in English and Uzbek languages”. Monograph, Tashkent, 2022; (In Uzbek)

– “Methodical instruction on organizing self-study education in the subject of English language”. Methodical instruction, Tashkent, 2022; (In Uzbek)

– “English for computer sciences”. Mannual, Tashkent, 2021 (in co-authorship); (In English)

– “English for psychologists”. Mannual, Tashkent, 2020 (in co-authorship); (In English) 

– “Interesting psychology”. Mannual, Tashkent, 2020; (In English) 

–  “Scale Up”. Coursebook, Tashkent, 2015 (in co-authorship); (In English)

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: bshamsematova76@gmail.com

Office phone number: 228

 Full Name: Nizamova Feruza Alimullaevna

Academic degree: - Associate Professor of the Department of "Uzbek Language and Classical Eastern Literature" of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

Academic title: - Candidate of philological sciences

Research fields: Orientalist-philologist

Foreign language skills: Farsi, Russian and English languages

Main scientific works: 

  • “Fors tili” fanidan o‘quv qo‘llanmasi. – Toshkent: TIU nashriyot-matbaa birlashmasi, 2016.  – 10 b.t. 140-bet.
  • Amir Xusrav Dehlaviy ijodida ruboiy janri. Monografiya. –T., Navro‘z,  2019. -224 (14 b.t.)
  • Fors tili: mustaqil ta’lim uchun: o‘quv qo‘llanma. –Toshkent: O‘zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi, 2019.  –48 b. – 3 b.t.
  • Fors tili: o‘quv qo‘llanma. –Toshkent: Navro‘z, 2019. –136 b.
  • Fors tili: o‘quv qo‘llanma. –Toshkent: O‘zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi, 2021. – 48 b. – 3 b.t.
  • Fors tili: o‘quv qo‘llanma.  – Toshkent, Complex Print, 2021. – 132 b.
  • Fors tili: darslik.  – Toshkent, Zamon polighaf, 2023. – 234 b. (hammualliflikda)

Scientific works link: 


Email address: feruzanizom1975@gmail.com 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Sayidiraximova Nasiba Sayidmaxamadovna.

Academic degree: Department of Uzbek language and classical oriental literature of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

Academic degree: candidate of philological sciences.

Scientific title: associate professor.

Research fields: international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, political science, world politics, political processes in Central Asia, youth policy

Foreign language skills:

 Russian and English.

Main scientific works: 

- Linguistic study of Uzbek children's speech of preschool age. Philol. science. nom. diss...-Tashkent, 2004;

- Psycholinguistic features of children's speech. Monograph. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2012. -B. 116;

- "Current Uzbek literary language". Phonetics. Phonology. Orthography. (Laboratory work) / 5111200-Uzbek language and literature for the field of education. Study guide. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2016;

- "Current Uzbek literary language" Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography. 5111200-Uzbek language and literature for education. A methodological guide. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2016;

- Audiobook (based on the methodical instructions of M. Qurbanova entitled "Requirements for writing a master's thesis on the specialty of Uzbek language and literature"). -Tashkent: Afruz recording studio, 2015. 140 mb. (in co-authorship);

- "Current Uzbek literary language" Morphemics. Word formation. Morphology. (Laboratory work) / 5111200-Uzbek language and literature for the field of education. Methodical guide. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2016;

- "Current Uzbek literary language". Phonetics. Phonology. Orthography. 5120100- Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language) for the field of education (Practical works). Instructional manual. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2018;

-"Current Uzbek literary language" Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography. 5120100-Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language) for the field of education. - Instructional manual. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2018;

- "Current Uzbek literary language" Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography. 5120100- Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language) for the field of education (Practical works). Instructional manual. -Tashkent: TDPU, 2018;

- Methodological instructions for organizing independent education in the subject of entry to the specialty. Methodical guide. -Tashkent: TDO'TAU, 2018.

- The use of the Uzbek language in the field. (Bachelor's level, 5210200-Psychology for students of sociopsychology of religion). Textbook. -Tashkent: Zaman Poligraf, 2022.

- The use of the Uzbek language in the field. (Bachelor's level, for students of 60220200-Islamic studies). Textbook. -Tashkent: Zaman Poligraf, 2023.

- Linguistic features of preschool Uzbek children's speech. Monograph. -Tashkent: Zaman Poligraf, 2023.

  Research papers link:


Email address: nasibatashkent@mail.ru 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98

Full Name: Shirinova Feruza Atxamovna 

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences 

Academic title: -

Research fields:theory of pedagogy, history of pedagogical teachings,

 theory and methodology of education and upbringing, distance education, development of distance independent learning skills of students.

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– “English for international relations”. Manual, Tashkent, 2023;

– “English for pharmacist module 1 Social and professional interaction”. Manual, Tashkent, 2020, (in co-authorship); 

– “LINGUO-LATINO” interactive teaching system of medical-pharmaceutical terminology, electronic dictionary., Tashkent, 2020 (DGU 09720)

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: feruzashirinova12@gmail.com 

Office phone number: +998 71 241 08 73

Full Name: Abushaev Amir Kamilevich

Academic degree: No academic degree/not applicable  

Academic title: Senior teacher (Senior English language teacher/ English as a second language teacher) 

Research fields:

 translation, literature

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– Academic study-manual under the title  “Angliyskiy yazik,” Tashkent 2019 

-Academic course book under the title “English language” Tashkent 2021

-Academic study -manual under the title “English language,” Tashkent 2022 

 Scientific works link: -----

Email address: zizerion@mail.ru

Office phone number: +998 90 922 25 83

Full Name: Khodjakulova Feruza Rustamovna

Academic degree: No

Academic title: No

Research fields:     linguistics,philology,translation

Foreign language skills:                                              Russian, English and French


- Manual in English language based on specialization (Islamic economy) 2019;

-Russko-angliyskiy tolkoviy slovar ekonomicheskih terminov.(dlya studentov ekonomocheskogo napravleniya).Dictionary, 2020;

- Manual  for Religious study students. (2 course) 2020;

- Manual on English for information security. (1 course ).2021;

- Coursebook in English language based on specialization (Religious study).  2022;

- Five pillars dictionary Mobile app.2023.


Scientific works link: -----

Email address: feruzahodjakulova77@gmail.com

Office phone number: 228  

Full Name: Khasanova Dilbar Karimdjonovna 

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Science

Academic title: -

Research fields:

 methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second language,

 methods of evaluating students' knowledge, professional qualities and competencies

Foreign language skills:  Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– “English Course Book” for the 1st year students of History of Islam and source studies specialization. Tashkent, 2023; 

– “English manual” For the 4th year students of Philology and teaching languages specialization. Tashkent, 2022 (co-authored);

– “English Course Book”. For the 1st year students of History of Islam and source studies specialization. Tashkent, 2021 (co-authored);

–“English Course Manual”. For Year 3 students of Religious studies direction. Tashkent, 2020 (co-authored);

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: d.xasanova@iiau.uz

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98

Full Name: Akbarova Shakhnoza Xikmatullayevna

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields:  Theory and methodology of teaching and education;

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Main scientific works: 

– “English- uzbek picture dictionary”. Dictionary, Tashkent, 2013;

– “English for kids”. Manual, Tashkent, 2019;

–“English- uzbek- russian dictionary for kids”. Dictionary, Tashkent, 2019;

– “Teaching methods of English lexis to preschoolers”. Monography, Tashkent, 2021; (In Uzbek)

– “English as an academic foreign language”. Manual, Tashkent, 2022  (in co-authorship);

–  “English for specific purposes”. Manual, Tashkent, 2023; 

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: uzbeknoza@gmail.com

Office phone number:+998 71 241 08 73

Full Name: Muminova Dilshodakhon Abduvakhitovna

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in philological Sciences 

Academic title: acting assistant professor

Research fields: 

linguistics, translation studies, comparative literature studies

Foreign language skills:

 English and Russian

 Main scientific works: 

– “English for Islamic studies”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020; 

– “Behbudi and his contribution to the awakening of the social consciousness in Uzbekistan”. Oʻquv-uslubiy qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2020; 

–“Ingliz, rus va o‘zbek tillarida non mahsulotlari texnologiyasi terminlarining lisoniy xususiyatlari”. Monografiya, Toshkent, 2021;

– “English on speciality”. Darslik, Toshkent, 2022;

– “English for journalism”. Oʻquv qoʻllanma, Toshkent, 2023 (in co-authorship) and etc.

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: dilshodamuminova110@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 241 08 73

Full name:Hafizov Abror Alisher ugli

Academic degree: -

Academic title: -

Areas of scientific research: pragmatic linguistics, linguistic personality, marketing discourse, linguoculturology

Knowledge of foreign languages: French, Russian and English

Main scientific works:

English for Law students, manual, Tashkent, 2023, 144 pp.

Academic foreign language, manual, Tashkent, 2022, 156 pp.

English for International relations,  manual, Tashkent, 2021, 133 pp.

PSYCHOLINGUISTIC FEATURES OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES TO PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, Journal of Positive Psychology, volume 6, issue 2, pp. - 4509-4518, USA, 2022.

The Concept of Politeness in English Linguistic Culture, Oriental renaissance, volume 2, issue 12, pp. - 1140-1146, Tashkent, 2022.

THE CONCEPT OF POLITENESS IN SPEECH ACT THEORY, International journal of World Languages, volume 1, issue 2, USA, 2021.

THE LINGUODIDACTIC POTENTIAL OF USING AUTHENTIC MATERIALS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION, Oriental renaissance, volume 1, issue 5, pp. - 817-826, Tashkent, 2021.


Link to scientific works: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KJtmVxUAAAAJ&hl=en

Email address: abrorbek.hafizov92@gmail.com 

Work phone: +998 90 029 10 09

Full Name: Aripova Kamola Yusupovna

Academic degree: No

Academic title: No

Research fields:                                         linguistics,philology,translation

Foreign language skills: Russian, English 

Main scientific works: 

  - "Islamic economics". Study guide, Tashkent, 2019;

- "English for psychologists". Study guide, co-authored by PhD Shamsematova Barno, Tashkent, 2020;

- "English for international relations" Study guide, co-authored by Ikanova Lazokat, Tashkent, 2021;

- "English for philologists" Textbook, Tashkent, 2022;

- "English for journalists" Study guide, co-authored by PhD Mominova Dilshoda, Tashkent, 2023;

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: kamolakind81@gmail.com

Office phone number: 228

Full Name: Elnora Melikova Shuxratovna

Academic degree: No academic degree/not applicable  

Academic title: Lecturer in English at the Department of Foreign Languages of the IIAU

Research fields: Linguistics

Foreign language skills: Russian and English

Scientific works link: -----

Email address: elnoramelikova@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98

Full Name: Arifdjanov Zokir Toxirovich

Academic degree: -

Academic title: -                                                                                                                      

Research fields: Linguistics

Foreign language skills: Farsi, Russian and English languages

Main scientific works: 

  • Тилшуносликда вариантлилик ҳодисаси. “ЎзМУ хабарлари”. Тошкент, 2015. //– № 1/6  (in Uzbek)
  • خواستن [xāstan] феъли функционал эквивалентлари. “Шарқшунослик”. Тошкент, 2015. //– № 4 (in Uzbek)
  • Форс тилида феълларнинг лексик-семантик вариантлашуви. “Шарқ машъали”. Тошкент, 2018. //– № 1 (in Uzbek)
  • خواستن [xāstan] sodda fe’lining funksional ekvivalentlari va ularning formal invariantlari. Islom ziyosi. Toshkent, 2020. //– №1. (in Uzbek)

Scientific works link: 







Email address: zokirarifdjanov@gmail.com 

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full Name: Shoaliyeva Nargiza Kaxramanovna

Academic degree: -Associate Professor of the Department of "Uzbek Language and Classical Eastern Literature" of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

Academic title: -Candidate of philological sciences

Research fields: philology, oriental literature 

Foreign language skills: Farsi, Russian and English languages

Main scientific works: 

  • Fors she`riyatida rind timsoli. Monografiya. 2023, ЎзХИА нашри,102 bet
  • Fors tili. Ўқув қўлланма. 2019 йил. 267бет.
  • Персидский язык. Учебное пособие. Изд. МИАУ. 2023. 187стр.
  • Fors tili. O`quv qo`llanma. UzXIA 2021. 250bet.

Scientific works link: 


Email address: nshoaliyeva74@mail.ru

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98

Full Name: Jalalova Sayyora Mirkhaydarovna

Academic degree: senior lecturer at the International Islamic

Academy of Uzbekistan. 

Research fields: Russian language teaching methodology

Foreign language skills: Russian and English (using a dictionary).

Main scientific works: 

I бўлим (I чaсть; I part) Махаллий ОАК нашрлари

1. Джалалова С.М. «Взаимодействие студента и преподавателя как основа филологического образования». Xorijiy filologiya (Тil. Adabiyot. Ta’lim) Samarqand. 4/1 (69) 2017. (104-108)

2. Учебный перевод фразеологизмов как методический прием на занятиях русского языка. Сўз санъати халқаро журнали ISSN 2181-9297 Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-9297. Т. 2019йил. № 6. 108-113.

3. Использование метода опорной технологии в обучении русскому языку студентов узбекских групп гуманитарных направлений. Вестник Национального университета Узбекистана, [1/6/2] ISSN 2181-7324. 2021 №6 72-74.

4. О методе опорных технологий обучения на занятиях по русскому язку в ВУЗах. Научный вестник Наманганского Государственного университета. 2021. №12. 578-582

5. Пути совершенствования лингвистической компетенции в обучении русскому языку как иностранному. PEDAGOGIK MAHORAT Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Бухоро. 2022. № 2, 35-39.

6. Пути интенсификации обучения русскому языку как иностранному в современной лингводидактической парадигме». PEDAGOGIK MAHORAT Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Бухоро. 2023 № 1. 259-263.

7 . Изучение опыта преподавателей по применению опорной технологии в совершенство-вании лингвисти-ческой компетенции по русскому языку у студентов неязыковых ВУЗов Узбекистана. Научный вестник Наманганского Государственного университета. Наманган 2023. №6 551-558.

 II бўлим (II чaсть; II part) Xoрижий OAK нашрлари

8. Перспективы использования проектной методики при проведении внеаудиторных мероприятий по русскому языку со студентами ВУЗов. EGE UNIVERSITETI.Kardas Edebiyatlar.ISSN 1300-9214.Туркия, Izmir 2019, № 165.184-187

9. Effective teaching methods in teaching English Métodos de enseñanza efectivos en la enseñanza del ingles. RELIGACIÓN Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Vol. 4 • ISSN 2477-9083. Septiembre 2019 Nº 19 770-772. (Соавторы:Adilova Sh. R. Tukhtakhodjaeva N. A. Aripova K. Y. Djumanova N.)

10. «Проблема интенсификации обучения русскому языку как иностранному в современной лингводидакти-ческой парадигме». European journal interdisciplinary Research and Development. www.ejird. Journalspark.org Volume 10. ISSN (E) 2720-5740 Polsha. Декабрь 2022. № 2 301-310.


12. “Intensive Methods of Improving Linguistic Competence in the Russian Language of Students of Non-Linguistic Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan” Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2S)DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/sfs.v10i2S.1589 WEB OF SCIENCE3518-3528. (соавторы : Djumaeva N. I., Chinieva S. A. Isamova P. Sh.)

III бўлим (III чaсть; III part) Xoрижий мақолалар

13. Современные технологии обучения как способ социализации современной молодежи. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA». NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN, 2020 №4.

14. Роль метода опорных технологий обучения на занятиях по русскому языку в развитии личностных качеств студентов. Международный научный журнал «Ученый XXI века» ISSN2410-3586 http: // www.uch21vek.com • 2021 • № 8 (79) 62-66.

15. Значение опорных технологий обучения русскому языку в группах с узбекским языком обучения. Международный сборник научных статей «Содружество языков – содружество культур» Совместный проект Наманганского государственного университета и Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена 20-21 май 2021. Наманган 227-231.

16. Теория и практика использования опорной технологии в совершенст-вовании лингвистической компетенции по русскому языку у студентов неязыковых ВУЗов. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2022: CENTRAL ASIA» ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN, Декабрь 2022№ 4(18). 3-7.

 IV бўлим (IV чaсть; IV part) Махаллий тезислар.

17. Значение лексической работы на занятиях русского языка в неязыковых вузах. Замонавий тилшунослик ва деривацион қонуниятлар. Республика илмий-услубий конференцияси материаллари тўплами.2017 йил.24-ноябрь,Самарқанд. 103-106.

18. Система упражнений для расширения словарного запаса студентов Исламского университета. Замонавий тилшунослик ва деривацион қонуниятлар. Республика илмий-услубий конференцияси материаллари тўплами. 017 йил.24-ноябрь,Самарқанд.124-126

19. Чем должен владеть учитель, чтобы быть хорошим современным педагогом. Таълим,фан ва ишлаб чиқариш интеграциясида интеллектуал салоҳиятли ёшлар – мамлакат тараққиётининг муҳим омили. Самарқанд давлат архитектура қурилиш институти. Республика илмий-услубий конференция материаллари. 2018. 25-26- октябрь,Самарқанд 4-6.

20. Пути и средства повышения качества образования в ВУЗах. Сб. материалов Республиканской научно-практической конференции. “Олий таълим: муаммо ва ечимлар”. ТГЭУ25-май 2020. Тошкент.89-92



23. Использование схем, таблиц и графических моделей в качестве опорных технологий в обучении русскому языку как иностранному. Сборник материалов Ташкентского Международного педагогического форума «Образование: взгляд в будущее» (TIPF 2023). 2023. 04. Тошкент. 26-31

V бўлим (V чaсть; V part) Халқаро тезислар.

24. Интерактивные методы обучения на уроках по русскому языку в ВУЗах - как способ повышения мотивационно-познавательной сферы студентов. Материалы научно-практической конференции "Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации ". confscientific. Webnode.com.ua.УДК 001+37(100) ББК72.4+74.0 Т 33 . Вып 51.28-сентябрь. 2019. Украина.146-148.

25. Роль интерактивных методов в развитии личностной готовности студентов к построению успешной профессиональной карьеры. Сб. материалов Международной научно-практической конференции. НИИ им. Кары-Ниязи “Андрияновские педагогические чтения” 28 августа 2020г. 548-554.

26. Применение опорной технологии в совершенствовании лингвистической компетенции по русскому языку у студентов неязыковых ВУЗов. Сб. материалов Международной научно-практической конференции. «Традиции инновации в изучении и преподавании языков» Педагогический институт Термезского Государственного университета.25-26 март 2022, Термез 585-590.

27. Психолого-педагогический аспект использования опорной технологии при обучении русскому языку как иностранному. Сборник материалов Межвузовской научно-практической конференции В 2-х ч. –Ч.1 Теоретическая и прикладная лингвистика. Образовательные технологии в преподавании ино-странного языка.–М: ФГБОУ ВО «РГУ им. А.Н. Косыгина»,22-26 октября 2022г. Москва.98-106

 VI бўлим (VI чaсть; VI part) Ўқув қўлланмалар

28. Джалалова С.М. Учебное пособие для вторых курсов по русской литературе (для учащихся лицеев). UDK:187.(32+17) КВК: 73.05(У) Т 19. ISBN: 978-9943-56-330-8 Т: «Navro’z» 2019соавтор: Мусаджанова Г.М.

29. Джалалова С.М. Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса групп с узбекским языком обучения направления «Экономика зарубежных стран и страноведение (мусульманские страны)» Свидетельство Министерства Высшего образования № 522 От «06»октября 2020г.

30. Джалалова С.М. “Русский язык по специальности” Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса групп с узбекским языком обучения направления «Психология (социопсихология религии) 60310900» Свидетельство Министерства Высшего образования, науки и инноваций № 68, от 27 марта 2023. (соавтор: Исамова П.Ш.)

Research papers link:


Email addresssayyoradjalalova16@gmail.com

Office phone number: +998 71 244 95 98


Full name:  Myakota Veronika Viktorovna

Work place: teacher of the department "Uzbek language and classical eastern literature" of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

Academic Degree:-

Academic Title:-

Research fields: Linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics.

Foreign language skills: Russian, Ukrainian, German

Main scientific works: Когнитивная метафора в онтогенезе речи.

Research papers link:

Email address: myakotanika9999@gmail.com

Office telephone number: +99817 244 95 98


Full name: Dzhumaeva Nargiz Irkinovna

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic title: associate professor

Areas of scientific research: issues of training and education, effective use of interactive methods in Russian language lessons, pedagogy

Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian and English

Main scientific works:

-Таълимни инсонпарварлаштиришда ўқитиш тамойиллари ва методларининг ўзаро алоқадорлиги. Ўқув қўлланма. –Тошкент, ЎзР ФА «Фан» нашриёти, 2006.

-Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларни ўқитишда замонавий технологиялардан фойдаланиш. Услубий қўлланма. –Тошкент, ЎзР ФА «Фан» нашриёти, 2007.

-Методические указания по педагогической практике для студентов 3-4 курсов университета. Учебно-методическое пособие. –Карши, 2012.

-Педагогические термины и понятия. Терминологический словарь. Карши, 2014. -135 стр.

-Русский язык. Учебное пособие. Международная исламская академия Узбекистана. Ташкент, 2020. С.110

-Академический русский язык. Учебник. Международная исламская академия Узбекистана. Ташкент, 2022. С.250

-Русский язык по специальности. Учебное пособие. Международная исламская академия Узбекистана, Ташкент, 2023. С.154

-Effective teaching methods in teaching English. Журнал Métodos de enseñanza efectivos en la enseñanza del inglés. RELIGACIÓN Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Vol 4 • Nº 19 • Quito • Trimestral • Septiembre 2019. С.770-772

-Воспитание самостоятельности студентов в условиях внедрения модульной системы образования. MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA. SCIENCE, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT #22. PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY. London, 2019, 30-31 октябрь, С.53-56

-Преимущества и проблемы дистанционного обучения в Узбекистане. //

- Ж. Наука и образование сегодня. Москва, 2022, №5 (74). С.4-9

-Вопросы компетенции и креативности педагога в образовательном процессе. // Ж. Педагогик маҳорат. Бухоро, 2023, №4. Б. 102-107

Link to scientific works: -----

Email address: djumayevanargiz2013@mail.ru

Work phone: +998 91 211 54 00 (mobile)

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