Actual problems of Religious Studies
Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the Topic “Actual problems of Religious Studies”
To improve the teaching of the subject “Religious Studies” in our country and discuss issues related to increasing the effectiveness of education, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan will host the traditional Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on April 16, 2025, on the topic “Current Issues in Religious Studies.”
The conference will cover the following topics:
1. Environmental protection issues in the teachings of world religions.
2. Principles of state policy in the religious sphere in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. Teaching the subject “Religious Studies”: technologies, achievements, problems, and solutions.
4. Uzbekistan and UNESCO relations: the current stage of cooperation and development prospects.
Information for Authors
The submitted abstracts will be published as a scientific collection. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in their abstracts.
Abstract Formatting Requirements:
1. The text should be prepared in MS Office WORD 2020, using Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, with 1.5 line spacing, and should not exceed 5 pages.
2. The abstracts must be printed on A4 paper with margins: top and bottom – 2.5 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm. References should be provided as footnotes at the bottom of each page.
3. In the top right corner, the author’s full name, academic degree, and title should be written in italics (10 pt, single line spacing). On the next line, the organization name, city, and contact phone number (with country code) should be indicated. After leaving one blank line, the title of the abstract should be written in uppercase letters. The main text should follow with 1.5 line spacing.
4. Electronic versions of the abstracts should be sent to the conference organizing committee via the following contacts: https://t.me/Odil_Ernazarov (+998909545243) and unesco.iiau@gmail.com.
5. The publication fee is 20,000 UZS per page (payments should be made to card number 5614 6887 0753 0712).
Abstracts that do not meet the conference topic, scientific standards, or publication requirements will not be accepted. The deadline for submission is March 29, 2025.

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