Academy Council meeting: annual summary, achievements and shortcomings, future goals and objectives

Today, the next meeting of the Academy Council with an expanded composition was held at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. The leadership of the Academy, members of the Council, professors and teachers and employees took part in it.

The meeting was led by Muzaffar Komilov, Rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Council.

At the meeting of the Council of the Academy, the work done in 2024, existing achievements and shortcomings, important and urgent issues facing the institution were discussed in detail.

In it, the officials of the sector gave information about the work related to their duties and determined the future tasks. 

Rector of the Academy, Muzaffar Komilov, at the beginning of his speech, congratulated everyone on the new year. He wished for peace, family harmony, professional success, and good health.

At the same time, he noted that in the new year, it will be a priority to strengthen work in this regard, to create all the necessary conditions for students to become mature, competitive specialists in their field.

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