Celebration at the academy
These days, New Year's Eve is in full swing in our country. Holiday events held throughout our country, concert programs that give a person special warmth, cheerful mood of children indicate a festive atmosphere, peace and harmony.
This holiday is celebrated around a rich table in the circle of family members and relatives. Everyone wishes each other well and gives gifts. Conclusions are drawn from the past year and new plans and goals are made for the coming year.
For this purpose, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan held an event called "New Year Adventures" for the children of professors and employees on the occasion of the holiday.
Rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Muzaffar Komilov opened the festive event with an introductory speech. At the beginning of his speech, the Rector of the Academy congratulated everyone on the coming New Year. He wished for peace, family harmony, professional success, and good health.
After that, a staged fairy-tale-play titled "New Year's Adventures" was presented by the "Student Theater Studio" of the Academy.
At the end of the event, the children of the Academy's staff and professors were given holiday gifts. 384 pieces of "New Year's gift" consisting of 29 different types of toys and sweets for the children of professors, teachers and employees by the Academy became an unforgettable gift for the children.
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