Symbol of our national spirituality is the state language

In our country, on a yearly basis on October 21 - the day when the Uzbek language was granted as the status of the state language, various festive events, spiritual and educational meetings, scientific and practical conferences, round talks with the professionals are organized. This date is widely celebrated.

In connection with the date, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan held a spiritual and educational event on the theme "State language - a symbol of our national spirituality".

At the event, the Hero of Uzbekistan, People's Artist of Uzbekistan Munojat Yolchiyeva, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, People's Poet of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Public Council of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Iqboljon Mirzaaliyev, Doctor of Philology, Professor Baqijon Tukhliyev, Professor teachers of the academy, scientists, artists and students took part.

The event, which began with the national anthem of Uzbekistan, was opened by Uygun Gafurov, the rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, with a festive greeting to the participants of the event.

In his speech, the Rector of the Academy highlighted the practical work being carried out in our country so that the prestige and status of our native language is increasing year by year, its further development, and its resounding on the international arenas. Emphasizing that deep respect for the mirror of the nation should be manifested in everyone's daily life, he congratulated everyone on the "Uzbek language holiday".

Those who spoke at the event sincerely congratulated on the Uzbek language holiday and spoke about the rich history of the Uzbek language, particularly, the development of our mother tongue by our great ancestors such as Mahmud Kashgari, Alisher Navoi, Zahriddin Muhammad Babur, Abdulla Qadiri, Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdulla Avloni and in addition to this about their great contribution as well.

At the solemn ceremony, attention was drawn to the fact that honoring our language, its status as a state language, raising its status in society, educating the young generation in the spirit of respect for the mother tongue will always be our urgent moral duty.

People's artist of Uzbekistan Munojat Yolchiyeva's wonderful songs, poems praising human feelings left a great impression on the audience.

Moreover, musical performances prepared by the students of the Academy were performed.

International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

Press release. 

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