He, who knows the language, knows the people
The International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan held a roundtable discussion on "He, who knows the language, knows the people" aimed at promoting Behbudi's article "We need four languages, not two." The spiritual and enlightenment meeting, held near the statue of Mahmudhoja Behbudi in the Alley of Writers, focused on the life and work of the leader of the Uzbek Jadid movement, his invaluable contribution to the creation of the national education system.
The round table discussion, organized by the Department of "Youth affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment" and the Department of "Uzbek language and classical Oriental literature" was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the Academy Zohidjon Islamov, who expressed his views on the invaluable contribution of our enlightened ancestors to science.
The meeting was attended by Munira Kahhorova, Head of the Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment, Malika Nosirova, Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Classical Oriental Literature, Vice-rector of Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, scientist Zainobiddin Abdurashidov, teachers, researchers of the Academy, pupils of the Academic Lyceum of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and students.
At the end of the meeting, students asked questions about the activities of the scientist. The speakers answered the students' questions and made the event more interesting. Active young people were awarded with books about the life and work of Mahmudhoja Behbudi.
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
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