Today, it was held a meeting with His Excellency  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of Uzbekistan Ahmed Saeed Al-Katiri and Honourable Deputy Al-Balushi Abdul Rahim Issa. The meeting was held at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

The guests were cordially welcomed by His Excellency Rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Sh. Yovqochev and His Excellency Deputy Rector for International Affairs B. Mamadiev.

During the meeting, it was mentioned about the mutual political-economic,  educational,  cultural-spiritual spheres of cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Sultanate of Oman.  Especially, it was notified about the religious-spiritual educational, cultural spheres, the discussion as well as focused on the issues of opportunities of wide development and advancement of the religious knowledge of youth.

“Uzbekistan highly appreciates the feelings of the mutual sympathy, hospitality, respect and appreciation, as well as the religious tolerance”- said His Excellency Ambassador of the Sultanate Oman His Excellency Omad  Akhmed Said al-Satiri. 

These are the reasons why the representatives of various nations live in peace and friendship by centuries.  In a clear and peaceful sky, the desire of young people to achieve the highest levels of knowledge and skills will also be high. There are the main plans for the organization of the development of the country and its prosperity. Due to the reasons, mentioned above we plan to organize an international exhibition for the students of our country.  The name of the exhibition is “the religious tolerance –mutual understanding, peace and harmony, “the exhibition, which is being organized traditionally takes place all around the world.

During the meeting, the current year, during the days of 21st and 25th of October it will be held the exhibition on the topic “The religious tolerance-mutual cooperation, peaceful life, which will be organized in cooperation with the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.  

Notice: Current year, it has been planned a conducting of the international exhibition on the topic “Religious tolerance-mutual understanding, peaceful life with the cooperation of the Embassy of Oman at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

    The following activities are considered:

Exhibition of paintings about the Sultanate of Oman;

– Shadow Arts Show;

– Arab Calligraphy Art Exhibition;

– Exhibition of books on the culture of the Sultanate of Oman;

– Demonstration of applied arts;

– Student quiz on “What have I done for tolerance?”

– The melody of religious songs;

– Sand Art Exhibition;

– Photo Exhibition of Culture of Oman

The following activities shall play a significant role as an example: It is given  a list of these activities herewith below: “We created you for the people and tribes for the purpose of deeper familiarization, “A nice attitude to parents, keep to the warm attitude to parents, “Share what you like with others!”, “Be worthy of the trust of those who believe in you.”

The active participants of the event shall be rewarded by the organizers for the excellent performance.

You can become a winner of the amount of 1000 US dollars for Your own clip, video, picture. So,   the participants (4)  can become winners of 5 days trip to the Sultanate of Oman on the 16th of November.  

We invite all young students to take part in the exhibition “The religious tolerance, mutual understanding, peace and harmony.

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